Arts & Culture

Give to Arts Advancement A vibrant arts and cultural community has long been one of Cleveland’s greatest assets. Together with our partners and donors, we work to ensure Greater Cleveland enjoys abundance, equity and excellence in arts and culture.   Creative Fusion Since 2008, the Cleveland Foundation has brought more...

A commitment to working with the community: Our strategic direction

If you tuned in for the 2021 Cleveland Foundation Annual Meeting Week Presented by KeyBank, you likely heard the news that the Cleveland Foundation has been developing a new strategic direction that will guide our work over the next decade. Well before the pandemic, conversations had started around how we could work more closely with...

A history of supporting leading-edge medical innovation

From funding early experimental research to driving biomedical commercialization to partnering in a rapid response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Cleveland Foundation has a long history of supporting innovations in health care. Since our founding in 1914, promoting the health and wellbeing of Greater Clevelanders has been among our chief...

Tickets now available for Cleveland Foundation Annual Meeting Presented by KeyBank

Tickets now available for Cleveland Foundation Annual Meeting Presented by KeyBank World-renowned presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin to deliver Robert D. Gries Keynote Lecture release date: 5.11.2016 CLEVELAND – Free tickets are now available for the Cleveland Foundation Annual Meeting Presented by KeyBank, scheduled for...

Stories of Impact: Playing Strictly by Sound with the Cleveland Scrappers

By Cameron Aloway, Cleveland Foundation Marketing & Communications Intern Referred to as America’s pastime, baseball is a quintessential sport that has brought community members together to cheer on their favorite teams. The sport gives many people the opportunity to participate and play with others. But for people who are blind...