How I Spent My Summer: Liam Martin

Our conversation went something like this. “So, where are you working this summer?” “I’m going to be at ShoreBank Enterprise.” “Oh…Yeah, you look like you’d work at a bank.” It was this seemingly innocuous statement in the midst of an otherwise beneficial and exciting first day of work that began a train of thought...

5 Smart Ways to Maximize Your Donor-Advised Fund

Guest blog by Cleveland Foundation Senior Vice President of Advancement Kaye Ridolfi Donor-advised funds have become a universally popular tool in charitable giving, and with good reason! With careful planning they can bring you great tax savings, flexibility and the benefit of centralizing your charitable dollars in one convenient...

Spreading Great Ideas

On Friday, February 26, Cleveland was home to its first local version of TED. For those who are unfamiliar, TED (which stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design) has been an annual event bringing together experts from around the world (think Bill Gates, Frank Gehry, and Temple Grandin, among others) to present short lectures...

Twitter, Nonprofits, and Philanthropy

Usage, news, and discussion surrounding Twitter seem to be everywhere at the moment. I wanted to share several links I think are worth reading to learn more about the Twitter phenomenon and how it might be of actual use in the nonprofit world without becoming a meaningless timewaster. It seems that Twitter has moved beyond being a...

Using Twitter to advance your mission

What is Twitter? …and how does it relate to the nonprofit/philanthropic community? This week I’m posting some basics about Twitter, what it is and how I am using it. Next week I’ll post information about how I see Twitter benefiting the nonprofit/philanthropic community. Twitter is a microblogging site that allows you to follow...

Making it Count: Highlights from the Common Ground 2020 “Count Me In” Grants

Most years, Common Ground is a single-day initiative where people gather at locations across Cuyahoga, Lake and Geauga counties to share a meal, connect with one another, build community and take action on the issues they care about. This year was different. In response to the unique environment in which we are currently living, Common...

A commitment to working with the community: Our strategic direction

If you tuned in for the 2021 Cleveland Foundation Annual Meeting Week Presented by KeyBank, you likely heard the news that the Cleveland Foundation has been developing a new strategic direction that will guide our work over the next decade. Well before the pandemic, conversations had started around how we could work more closely with...

Common Ground 2019 – What’s Next?

Thank You for Building Common Ground with Us!  On June 30, thousands of Greater Clevelanders gathered at more than 100 events across our region to converse, connect, and build community. We are grateful to all who attended Common Ground events, along with the hosts who gave their time to build and convene these gatherings, for joining...

Join Cleveland Foundation Thought Leaders and Partners at Philanthropy Forward 2021

Each year, Philanthropy Ohio hosts its Philanthropy Forward conference, bringing together leaders, professionals, donors and other stakeholders in Ohio’s philanthropic sector to discuss relevant issues, new ideas and opportunities in our field. Oct. 11-15, Philanthropy Forward will be presented in a 100% virtual format, with attendees...