Tickets now available for Cleveland Foundation Annual Meeting Presented by KeyBank

Tickets now available for Cleveland Foundation Annual Meeting Presented by KeyBank World-renowned presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin to deliver Robert D. Gries Keynote Lecture release date: 5.11.2016 CLEVELAND – Free tickets are now available for the Cleveland Foundation Annual Meeting Presented by KeyBank, scheduled for...

The Best of CMSD: What the News Doesn’t Cover

Last night I had the privilege of observing the year-end championship competition for the Cleveland Schools’ elementary grade’s Military Drill Corps and Hi-Stepper Cheerleading teams in the large gym at John Hay High School. Who even knew there was such an activity in our schools? I didn’t. These were 6th, 7th and 8th graders...


City of Cleveland Neighborhood Safety Fund The $10 million fund is housed at the Cleveland Foundation and was seeded with American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) money from the City. The fund will provide grants for community-driven, evidence-informed programming serving Cleveland residents that address the root causes of violence under the...

How I Spent My Summer: Liam Martin

Our conversation went something like this. “So, where are you working this summer?” “I’m going to be at ShoreBank Enterprise.” “Oh…Yeah, you look like you’d work at a bank.” It was this seemingly innocuous statement in the midst of an otherwise beneficial and exciting first day of work that began a train of thought...

Leadership succession: A 21st-century challenge for the arts

More than 10 years ago, a respected colleague of mine, John Kreidler, then the senior arts grantmaker for the San Francisco Foundation, began talking and writing about a critical dynamic of the nonprofit art world: the willingness of arts leaders to discount their labor in order to work in the field of the arts about which they were...

Reverie Sans Madeleines*

I attended the Cuyahoga Arts & Culture (CAC) board meeting this week (why does no one from the arts community except a representative from our commercial classical radio station ever show up to these open, public meetings?) and suddenly was caught by thoughts of how much has changed in our arts community in the past decade. Most of it...