Summer of Purpose: Call for Places

By Jamie Orr Cleveland Public Theatre I do not consider myself particularly creative or artistic. I have never been in a play, and the last play I went to was in the Little Theatre of Ursuline College, where I supported a friend from the back row. So how did I end up interning at Cleveland Public Theatre? I hadn’t even considered...

Summer of Purpose: Hannah Vaughn

You’ll know you’re in the right place when the people surrounding you feel like your tribe.  The past three weeks have been filled with a constant flow of inspiring moments. Every professional development seminar has left me feeling energized and excited for the future of Cleveland. I’ve listened to speeches, had conversations...

Cleveland Foundation announces $12.7 million in July grants

Cleveland Foundation announces $12.7 million in July grants   RELEASE DATE: 7.31.2015 CLEVELAND – The Cleveland Foundation board of directors has approved $12.7 million in grants for the month of July.  A focus of the foundation’s July funding is youth development. “We’re pleased many of our grants this month support new...

Creative Fusion Update: Kuen-lin Tsai

For three months, beginning in September, six international artists created, collaborated and engaged with the Greater Cleveland community through our Creative Fusion international-artist-in-residence program. Hailing from Chile, Iran, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam, the artists in the Creative Fusion 2015 fall class were in residency at...

Ronn Richard panelist on U.S.-Cuba relations

Cleveland Foundation President and CEO Ronn Richard was a panelist this week at The City Club of Cleveland’s “The Case for Opening Cuba” discussion.The panel hosted local voices on U.S. relations with Cuba, and the role Ohio can play as policies evolve. Panelists were joined by Luke Albee, senior advisor to Engage Cuba, a coalition...

Summer of Purpose: Olivia Milne

It’s the third week of the Cleveland Foundation’s Summer Internship Program, and I’m writing from here at the Legal Aid Society of Cleveland. There’s been a lot to do in these first few weeks, and they’ve certainly kept me busy.I work in the Development and Communications department of Legal Aid, and mainly I’ve been promoting...

Summer of Purpose: Johanna Tomsick

Not all nonprofits are created equal. From small, grassroots organizations to massive private universities, any number of odd and different organizations have come together under the umbrella of “nonprofit.” In the past three weeks, working with an organization on the smaller end of the scale, I’ve noticed a few common threads...

Summer of Purpose: Marissa-Ann Pappas

During orientation, Cleveland Foundation Program Officer Stephen Love cautioned the 2016 summer intern cohort about how quickly our internship experiences would fly by. He was right. Six purposeful weeks are behind us already and here we are, thoughtfully completing our midterm evaluations and contemplating how to wring the most value...

2016 Grantmaking in Lake & Geauga Counties

We are happy to announce a total of $741,781 in fourth-quarter grants to Lake and Geauga nonprofit organizations, bringing the foundation’s 2016 grantmaking total in those two counties to $2.5 million.*Among the Lake and Geauga grants approved this quarter:$73,000 to Crossroads: Lake County Adolescent Counseling Service to support...