Managing through the Downturn

Times are tough, and as nonprofit executives you don’t need me reminding you.  Every day my colleagues and I hear from more and more organizations that are stretching their dollars and reevaluating their programs. Everyone is searching for new funding sources, shifting service delivery and sometimes cutting staff. Despite all the doom...

Following the president to Istanbul

Saturday, April 11, 2009 I’m on my second visit with a group of Cleveland artists to Istanbul, Turkey. Our job is to complete a year-long exchange program that shares how we use the arts to work with at-risk youth. "Engaging Marginalized Youth" (EMY) is the name of the project, supported by the U.S. Department of State in collaboration...

Twitter, Nonprofits, and Philanthropy

Usage, news, and discussion surrounding Twitter seem to be everywhere at the moment. I wanted to share several links I think are worth reading to learn more about the Twitter phenomenon and how it might be of actual use in the nonprofit world without becoming a meaningless timewaster. It seems that Twitter has moved beyond being a...

Listening to Cleveland’s nonprofit community

Many of you participated in our recent rounds of community conversations.  In fact, we met with over 250 individuals representing organizations from across sectors: arts, human services, economic development, environment, neighborhoods and more.  One of our goals was to give nonprofits the opportunity to share what they have been doing...

Cleveland’s Arts Sector: Bucking the Trends

The Grantmakers in the Arts READER: Ideas and Information on Arts and Culture is a much anticipated, thrice-yearly journal for professional arts grantmakers. The fall 2010 issue offered a compilation of research across the field that is chock full of interesting, useful, and sometimes scary data. Often scary data.  Helicon...

Capitalization in a Time of Crisis

For nearly 12 years the Cleveland Foundation has made a concerted effort to strengthen a group of cultural organizations that are important to the diverse quality of our cultural sector. But many have business models that carry a lot of risk and insufficient funding to keep them healthy in even good times.  The risk factors for these...

Deep Fusion

Opera diva, folk singer, classical piano virtuoso, French chanteuse, jazz improviser, new age and sacred music composer – to say that Armenian artist Lucineh Hovanissian is a musician is to say that Niagara is just a waterfall. Rarely have so many gifts been assembled in a single creative individual. All of them were on display this...

Affiliated Funds

Families, corporations, individuals and even private foundations have established funds at the Cleveland Foundation. These funds have their own grantmaking strategies and application processes. If you have questions or need additional information about a specific fund, please email [Enable Javascript to send an email] Cleveland...

Ciba Jones

216.615.7184 | Email cJones [Enable Javascript to send an email] Ciba “CJ” Jones is the program coordinator for community-responsive grantmaking and two program officers. CJ joined the foundation in August 2003. Prior to that, she was the human resources coordinator for the Benjamin Rose Institute’s administrative office. CJ...

Diane O. McDaniel Scholarship

Purpose: The Diane O. McDaniel Scholarship was established in 2007 by Diane O. McDaniel, who is a retired human resources executive from Cleveland, Ohio. The scholarship is a reflection of her appreciation for the extremely valued Cleveland Public School education she received while attending Glenville High School, and her dedication to...