Going digital

If you haven’t already heard the news, our region has a new ally in the effort to develop a thriving tech-driven ecosystem in Greater Cleveland. It’s a nonprofit called DigitalC that will work to solve pressing community problems with innovative technology, and help Greater Cleveland and other communities across the county build...

Helping neighbors help their neighborhoods

Here at the foundation, we know that grants of all sizes can have a big impact. While million-dollar grants make headlines, a $1,000 grant can also be a catalyst for impactful change. When these dollars are invested directly into citizen-led neighborhood projects, they bring ideas to life. That’s the goal of Neighborhood Connections...

Register for your summer job

It’s almost March, and before you know it, summer will be in full swing. Teenagers and young adults can connect with exciting, paid summer jobs thanks to Youth Opportunities Unlimited’s “My Summer Job” Youth Employment Program.The program matches thousands of Cuyahoga County teens and young adults ages 14-24 with meaningful summer...

Personal View: New Century, new challenges

By Ronn Richard President & CEO, Cleveland Foundation As 2014 came to a close, the Cleveland Foundation completed a yearlong centennial observance that surpassed our dreams. Thanks to dedicated donors, superb media partners like Crain's, generous corporate sponsors, supportive grantee organizations and more than 185,000 area...

Day of Family Fun: Dec. 30

In case you missed it, our December centennial gift to the community is “Cleveland Foundation Day of Family Fun” featuring a variety of healthy activities at more than three dozen sites in six counties throughout Northeast Ohio on Tuesday, Dec. 30. The gift includes: • Free tobogganing at Cleveland Metroparks Mill Stream Run...