A Novel Singing Zambia, Poetry from a “Deaf Republic” and a Group Portrait of Anthropology’s Renegades Have All Won the 85th Annual Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards

A Novel Singing Zambia, Poetry from a “Deaf Republic” and a Group Portrait of Anthropology’s Renegades Have All Won the 85th Annual Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards Release Date 3.30.2020 CLEVELAND – The Cleveland Foundation today unveiled the winners of its 85th Annual Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards. The 2020 recipients of the only...

Announcing the winners of the 85th Annual Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards

Each spring, we celebrate a new class of writers joining the Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards canon. This year, in the midst of a global pandemic, the announcement has moved online while the works being honored take on a new kind of importance. "The new books explore human diversity in riveting style, putting the lie to racism and ableism,...

Helping Cleveland students stay on the path to postsecondary success

Students across the country have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic; for high school seniors, the crisis presents extra barriers at a critical time on their path to college or career training programs. Say Yes Cleveland and its partners are working to ensure Cleveland Metropolitan School District (CMSD) and partnering charter school...

Crisis, Necessity and Innovation: Adapting Census Outreach During a Pandemic

By Nelson Beckford, Program Director, Neighborhood Revitalization & Engagement A complete census count is incredibly important. U.S. census data is used to direct the flow of billions of dollars in federal spending, it helps decide political representation at all levels, and it is the go-to data set for the private, philanthropic and...

Make your voice count for your community

Engaged residents make their communities stronger. Now more than ever, it is vital that Greater Clevelanders exercise their civic rights by voting, taking the census and holding their government leaders accountable. Here are three simple ways to make your voice count for your community:  Vote Early voting in Ohio has begun! Check...