
Greetings, and welcome to what I intend to become a regular sharing of ideas and information from my world to yours. My world is complex and so the sharing may take many forms, but mostly I will focus on issues relating to the Cleveland Foundation and the arts - writ large. Being a generally optimistic person, even in situations that...

How I Spent My Summer: Cory Isler

As I throw myself head first into the nonprofit arts sector for a summer internship at the Cleveland Orchestra, I find myself flooded with questions. Initially, the questions are manageable, easily conquered: Where do I park? Should I wear a tie? How many times will I get lost until I find my way to the education office? The further I...

Poems for these times

The tension around the upcoming election is really getting to me.  As I often do when anxious, I search through my favorite poems, looking for wisdom or solace or inspiration.  So it was that I came across the following three poems.  The first, by Denise Levertov, says a lot about how I hope our next president feels about the/our/my...

How I Spent My Summer: Anne Brewka

To be a Cleveland Foundation intern involves balancing work responsibilities at a host organization with participation in the Summer Internship Program’s weekly seminars and events. To be a shared intern between three nonprofit organizations in addition to this balance has proven to be more of a juggling than a balancing act. The...

Revisiting the ImagiNation

In December 2007, the Cleveland Foundation hosted a meeting of the Arts Education Partnership (AEP), a non-political think thank and consortium of organizations supporting the arts in learning. At that meeting, AEP rolled out a major frame-changing concept: to create the ImagiNation – a nationwide, grassroots movement to create public...

Robert E. and Ada Hagan Public Service Scholarship

Purpose:  To provide scholarship support for students attending or accepted at Cleveland State University Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs pursuing a public service career. Robert E. Hagan was deeply committed to public service. He was an outspoken critic of the Vietnam War, and he marched in civil rights protests and on...

Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards

Opening Minds. Challenging Minds. The Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards recognize books that have made important contributions to our understanding of racism and our appreciation of the rich diversity of human cultures. 2017 honorees with Anisfield-Wolf Jury Chair Henry Louis Gates Jr. (right), juror Rita Dove (center), and Cleveland...

A Universal Language

Two dozen students in various combinations of tights, leotards, sweats and T-shirts surrounded renowned Cuban prima ballerina Laura Alonso following the rigorous master class she had just offered them in the main studio of the Mather Dance Center at CWRU. Ms. Alonso was here through a partnership with DanceCleveland and Case brokered by...

Foundations for Philanthropy: Maria Paparella discusses lessons learned

Presented by the Cleveland Foundation’s Center for Philanthropy, Foundations for Philanthropy is an interactive cohort experience designed to launch emerging leaders into lifelong charitable giving. Supporting a pipeline of diverse, rising philanthropists, the program shares the critical skills and strategies necessary to leverage time...

Big Job Ahead for Cleveland’s Newest Arts Leader

Last week a number of arts community members gathered to welcome Karen Gahl-Mills, the newly named executive director of Cuyahoga Arts and Culture (CAC) – our county funding agency for the arts.  And for once we didn’t have to warn an incoming executive to prepare for the Cleveland winter.  Ms. Gahl-Mills spent a bit of her teen...