Preview #CommonGroundCLE on July 30: Part 1

Common Ground is just days away! On our blog each day this week, we’ll share a selection of the Common Ground conversations happening Sunday, July 30 across Cuyahoga County. We hope you will register to attend one (or more!) of these free community events. You can explore all Common Ground locations, and register to attend here...

How Can Nonprofits Avoid or Address Financial Emergencies?

A great look at what nonprofits can do to help solve their money woes: 10 resources from the Foundation Center: 1. It is critical that your organization develop and closely monitor a sound fundraising plan that includes detailed outlines for securing a diverse array of support and revenue. Learn how at our free class, webinar...

Robert P. Madison Scholarship in Architecture

Purpose: To provide scholarship support for African American high school students and undergraduates enrolled in coursework at an accredited school of architecture, with a declared major in architecture.   About the program: The Robert P. Madison Scholarship Fund was established in 2004, seeded by generous contributions from Robert and...

Losing Sight of the Shore*

No, this isn’t about lakefront preservation. It’s about the arts. It’s about how Cleveland’s cultural community must venture into uncharted waters to find the new and next generation of individuals needed to maintain our remarkable cultural sector’s strength and excellence. On June 6, the Community Partnership for Arts and...

Ronn Richard panelist on U.S.-Cuba relations

Cleveland Foundation President and CEO Ronn Richard was a panelist this week at The City Club of Cleveland’s “The Case for Opening Cuba” discussion.The panel hosted local voices on U.S. relations with Cuba, and the role Ohio can play as policies evolve. Panelists were joined by Luke Albee, senior advisor to Engage Cuba, a coalition...

Dreaming a Better Reality

I’m an avid, daily reader of ArtsJournal, Douglas McLennan’s one-stop electronic newsletter that collects news and blogs from worldwide media and keeps me informed on relevant issues in the arts.  Today, the always interesting Andrew Taylor’s Artful Manager blog pulls together some thoughts on a rather scary but important topic...

Evaluation is Not a Thing: It is a Way

I just returned from a very meaty and reflective meeting on the role of evaluation in philanthropy (NOT as dry a subject as it may sound!). It was organized by the Evaluation Roundtable, a program of the Foundation Center to improve philanthropy. The Roundtable was held in Baltimore, at the Annie E. Casey Foundation, headquartered there...

Creative Fusion Update: Kuen-lin Tsai

For three months, beginning in September, six international artists created, collaborated and engaged with the Greater Cleveland community through our Creative Fusion international-artist-in-residence program. Hailing from Chile, Iran, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam, the artists in the Creative Fusion 2015 fall class were in residency at...

Fred Talks

Learn. Engage. Champion. Fred Talks build on Cleveland Foundation founder Frederick Harris Goff's legacy of innovative thinking by inviting community members to learn, engage with one another, and champion new ideas in conversations with local and national thought leaders. Each free event features a thought-provoking conversation...