Core Values in the Core City: JoAnn and Bob Glick Focus on Transformation

This interview was originally published in our winter 2019 issue of Gift of Giving magazine. JoAnn and Bob Glick are on a philanthropic mission: By giving to humanitarian causes close to home, they believe they can support the most vulnerable in our community and simultaneously underscore the need to bring large-scale philanthropic...

A commitment to working with the community: Our strategic direction

If you tuned in for the 2021 Cleveland Foundation Annual Meeting Week Presented by KeyBank, you likely heard the news that the Cleveland Foundation has been developing a new strategic direction that will guide our work over the next decade. Well before the pandemic, conversations had started around how we could work more closely with...

Creative Fusion: Michela Picchi

This post is from our partners over at CAN Journal. Written by Karen Sandstrom.-----------Freedom is a big deal to Michela Picchi. The Italian-born artist lives in Berlin, travels as she can, and though she made a name doing illustrations for big clients, what she wants most now for her art is to be free of restrictions.That’s why she...

How I Spent My Summer: Monica Laco

The Cleveland Foundation summer internship program is about going outside your comfort zone. Every week, in both our jobs and the weekly development seminars, we are challenged to think differently, dream big and jump in to new experiences, even if we’re not quite sure where we want life to take us. As a social media and marketing...

Summer of Purpose: Community Values Not Lost in Translation

By Erin AmschlingerStockyard, Clark-Fulton & Brooklyn Centre Community Development Office I never had cable TV as a kid so, when morning cartoons ended for the day, pickings were pretty slim for what to watch. I used to flick through our eight channel choices and inevitably stop when I landed on the Spanish one. I didn’t speak a...

Summer of Purpose: Call for Places

By Jamie Orr Cleveland Public Theatre I do not consider myself particularly creative or artistic. I have never been in a play, and the last play I went to was in the Little Theatre of Ursuline College, where I supported a friend from the back row. So how did I end up interning at Cleveland Public Theatre? I hadn’t even considered...

Summer of Purpose: A Cultural Lesson to Last a Lifetime

By Noha BecharaEsperanza, Inc. Throughout my senior year at John Carroll University, as classmates were narrowing job opportunities and planning their futures, I found myself stuck in the mindset that I still wanted to have my last summer before the “big-girl world” hit me full force. I wanted more experience before delving into the...

Now’s the time to join the Imagine Nation

Originally posted to this blog: 1/25/08 I just had my socks knocked off by a report to the National Education Association by Lake Research Partners. The report centered on a nationwide survey of likely voters on the importance of imagination and the arts in public education. The results show there is a distinct “imagination”...

How I Spent My Summer: Alison Black

One year ago today I was living in Chicago and preparing for my move to Cleveland. When I would tell people where I was going they always had a look of surprise and inevitably they would ask: Why Cleveland?. To be honest, I wasn't sure either. But I was ready for a change. As I embarked on my new journey—living in Cleveland and...