How I Spent My Summer: Mireille (Claryce) Medard

This summer, I am interning at International Partners in Mission. IPM connects donors with project partners around the world that are working with children, youth, and women. Although I get the chance to participate in all departmental meetings and learn about what they do, the focus of my internship is education and outreach. I compile...

Welcome 2011 Interns!

The 2011 Cleveland Foundation Summer class is a unique bunch. We have students from local colleges such as Cleveland State University, Case Western Reserve University, the Cleveland Institute of Art and Baldwin Wallace College. But we also have students from Ohio Wesleyan University, Kenyon College, Miami University, and the University of...

How I Spent My Summer: Liam Martin

Our conversation went something like this. “So, where are you working this summer?” “I’m going to be at ShoreBank Enterprise.” “Oh…Yeah, you look like you’d work at a bank.” It was this seemingly innocuous statement in the midst of an otherwise beneficial and exciting first day of work that began a train of thought...

Following the president to Istanbul

Saturday, April 11, 2009 I’m on my second visit with a group of Cleveland artists to Istanbul, Turkey. Our job is to complete a year-long exchange program that shares how we use the arts to work with at-risk youth. "Engaging Marginalized Youth" (EMY) is the name of the project, supported by the U.S. Department of State in collaboration...

Excellence in Teaching Awards Celebrate Cleveland Educators

We are thrilled to unite with The George Gund Foundation, the Cleveland Metropolitan School District (CMSD), and the Cleveland Teachers Union, to honor outstanding educators within Cleveland public schools. This week, we will celebrate the inaugural Excellence in Teaching Awards, which recognize teachers in our community who demonstrate...

Notes from a conference: The new American city

In Atlanta this week, I am attending the annual conference of Grantmakers in the Arts, a professional association for my very specialized field. About 300 arts staff from family, private, corporate and community foundations and public funding agencies are here, and at the mid-point of the conference I am already filled with information I...

Cleveland Meets Havana

We’re thrilled to announce our spring 2017 Creative Fusion residency, Creative Fusion: Cuba Edition. Since 2008, our Creative Fusion international artist residency program has brought more than 70 foreign artists to Cleveland. Beginning in 2016, the program strengthened collaboration between local Cleveland artists and the visiting...