Summer of Purpose: Cielle Brady

Our #SummerOfPurpose blog series follows this year’s Cleveland Foundation Summer Interns as they reflect on 11 weeks spent working with Cleveland-area nonprofit and public sector organizations. In today’s blog, we hear from Cielle Brady, who spent her summer at East End Neighborhood House, where she worked collaboratively with a...

What’s the “Green” We’re Talking About?

Cristian Schmitt, a 2011 Creative Fusion artist from Chile, came back to Cleveland for the wedding of a staff member at Playhouse Square – his host organization. He got so close to the people he worked with here that he continues to refer to Cleveland as his “home,” and he remains in touch with many of us. Cristian is an...

How I Spent My Summer: Samantha Steinfeld

As a recent college graduate, I’m convinced that my stress threshold has been unnaturally enhanced. Like any junkie, I can’t get to my normal level of functioning unless I have papers, events, presentations, internships, and part-time jobs to occupy my time from dusk until dawn. It is not until I get my “fix” and am completely...

Welcome 2014 Summer Interns!

This week we welcomed the 15th class of the Cleveland Foundation’s Summer Intern Program – a group we are calling our “centennial cohort.”  This group of 16 professionals represents some of the top talent and emerging leadership of our region. The summer internship program’s objectives are to provide a meaningful...

How I Spent My Summer: Jennie Ford

First, let me explain my picture. I was inspired by the art posted on a building in Collinwood during a professional development seminar hosted by North East Shores Development, another host site. I couldn't resist incorporating the unique art I experienced into my blog post because it was beautiful. I don't think I will ever forget...

Meet our 2024 Summer Internship Program host sites

The Cleveland Foundation Summer Internship Program gives local college students and recent grads an opportunity to work with Greater Cleveland nonprofit and public sector organizations during an 11-week paid summer internship. All internships are full-time experiences, paid at a rate of $17 per hour. 2024 summer interns will be placed...

An Introduction to the Creative Fusion 2014 Fall Class: Dale Yudelman

Once again the foundation has the pleasure of welcoming six remarkable artists for the Fall Creative Fusion residency. As chance would have it, we have two artists each from South Africa and Taiwan. But each is very different. In this diversely creative group, we have a puppeteer, a concert violinist, a documentary photographer, a video...

Creative Fusion Update: Kuen-lin Tsai

For three months, beginning in September, six international artists created, collaborated and engaged with the Greater Cleveland community through our Creative Fusion international-artist-in-residence program. Hailing from Chile, Iran, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam, the artists in the Creative Fusion 2015 fall class were in residency at...

#OurCGStories: Donna Johnson

#OurCGStories blog series highlights Cleveland Foundation staff who participated in our Common Ground day of community conversation on June 30.  In today's blog, we hear from Donna Johnson, Executive Assistant to the Senior Vice President of Advancement. On Common Ground day, Donna hosted a private conversation for her neighbors in...

Summer of Purpose: Scott King

Commitment to a short-term opportunity can often lead to the achievement of long-term goals. This ideology is exemplified by organizations like the Cleveland Housing Network (CHN). CHN is a not-for-profit organization working to build strong communities through affordable housing in the Cleveland area. CHN’s housing model includes a...