Cleveland Foundation announces Encore Cleveland Prize

Cleveland Foundation announces Encore Cleveland Prize New award recognizes individuals and organizations empowering the Encore movement in Greater Cleveland RELEASE DATE: 5.12.2015 CLEVELAND – The Cleveland Foundation today announced it is now accepting nominations for the inaugural Encore Cleveland Prize of the Cleveland Foundation...

What the World is Learning from Cleveland

More than 2500 Clevelanders – artists, students, and the public, had direct and meaningful contact with six international artists, in residence here through Creative Fusion - the Cleveland Foundation’s Global Arts Initiative. Many of these Clevelanders developed deep and extended relationships with these artists, working hands-on to...

What can we learn from public art? (Hint: it’s more than you may think!)

18,720. That's how many pool noodles (yes, pool noodles) it will take to create a one-night, temporary installation for the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Summer Solstice Celebration on June 20th. Yesterday I stopped by the Museum’s new East Wing to see the  project take shape. Mark Reigelman explains the ideas behind his art More than...

Reflections From the Community, Part Three

It was a beautiful fall day when more than 30 organizations came together to share their thoughts on what was happening in Lake and Geauga counties. There were similarities between what we heard in some of our Cuyahoga County conversations but also subtle differences and new ideas were raised. Here are my recollections based on notes...

How I Spent My Summer: Jennie Ford

First, let me explain my picture. I was inspired by the art posted on a building in Collinwood during a professional development seminar hosted by North East Shores Development, another host site. I couldn't resist incorporating the unique art I experienced into my blog post because it was beautiful. I don't think I will ever forget...

Ohio City – but not the one you think

This past Monday, I spent a very stimulating 90 minutes with the folks at Glazen Creative Studios brainstorming ways to engage the local population’s pride and confidence in the city and the region. These were sincere, smart, and committed folks who cannot understand why the locals are so down on their own community. First there was...

Winches and Wheels, or How to Move a Store

Rather than "How to move a store," this blog should be titled "Why move a store?" When Creative Fusion artist Cristián Schmitt came to Cleveland from his home in Santiago, Chile, in April this year, he saw much to inspire him in creating new work. Cristián is an architect-designer with a passion for finding solutions for distressed...

They’re Here!

Our next group of international artists arrived last weekend and are here for a three-month stay. Creative Fusion, the Cleveland Foundation’s global artist-residency program, has welcomed seven artists who will be hosted by six local arts organizations. They will learn about our city, work with their host to share their culture through...