Deep Fusion

Opera diva, folk singer, classical piano virtuoso, French chanteuse, jazz improviser, new age and sacred music composer – to say that Armenian artist Lucineh Hovanissian is a musician is to say that Niagara is just a waterfall. Rarely have so many gifts been assembled in a single creative individual. All of them were on display this...

How I Spent My Summer: Joanne Neugebauer

This summer I was placed at University Hospitals, splitting my time between the Center for Child Health and Policy at Rainbow and the newly formed Office of Sustainability working on projects focused on the multiple ways food and the hospital intersect. When friends and family hear about my position I usually get two main reactions. The...

How I Spent My Summer: Graham Welling

This summer, I crossed the line from college student to young profession*]}*al. I'll admit that I was a bit apprehensive about leaving the tight community that is Ohio State, but my fears were unfounded. I've loved my experience this summer as a Cleveland Foundation intern placed in the planning department at Shaker Heights, and I've found...

Planning to shoot ourselves in the foot – again?

I am a member of the Cultural Tourism Steering Committee for Positively Cleveland, the former Convention and Visitor’s Bureau of Cleveland. We meet periodically to provide ideas and guidance to PC (sorry, I just can’t keep writing Positively Cleveland – you can draw your own conclusions about the aptness of the acronym). It’s a...


Is theater dangerous – can it cause riots, upset the applecart of perception, change the world? Or is it merely a fancy of the intelligentsia that art can actually counter prejudice, illuminate the dark corners of injustice, actually advance society? Who gets to decide what an artist can or cannot say or portray? Where is the line...

CLEVELAND tm: (teach + make)

Although he’s been here a few months already, Creative Fusion internation*]}*al artist Cristian Schmitt, from Chile, was just recently welcomed by the community at a reception held at the Idea Center in PlayhouseSquare. Creative Fusion, now in its second year, partners with Cleveland’s cultural, education*]}*al, and civic institutions to...

How I Spent My Summer: Samantha Steinfeld

As a recent college graduate, I’m convinced that my stress threshold has been unnaturally enhanced. Like any junkie, I can’t get to my normal level of functioning unless I have papers, events, presentations, internships, and part-time jobs to occupy my time from dusk until dawn. It is not until I get my “fix” and am completely...

Summer of Purpose: Call for Places

By Jamie Orr Cleveland Public Theatre I do not consider myself particularly creative or artistic. I have never been in a play, and the last play I went to was in the Little Theatre of Ursuline College, where I supported a friend from the back row. So how did I end up interning at Cleveland Public Theatre? I hadn’t even considered...

Behind the Grant: Stepstone Academy empowers children through language

A guest blog post by Stepstone Academy Stepstone Academy is a school located in Cleveland’s Central neighborhood. This community in the heart of Cleveland has a staggering poverty rate of over 89%. Last year, our students took a trip to Edgewater Park, an opportunity very few of them have experienced during their young lives. On a...