Summer of Purpose: Ann Mastandrea

Our #SummerOfPurpose blog series follows this year’s Cleveland Foundation Summer Interns, who spent 11 weeks working with Cleveland-area nonprofit and public sector organizations. In today’s blog we hear from Ann Mastandrea, who worked with Maximum Accessible Housing of Ohio in coalition with ADA Cleveland helping to finalize and...

How Poetry Heals the Healer

Last week I attended a lecture and poetry reading by Dr. Rafael Campo, sponsored jointly by Case Western Reserve University and the Cleveland Clinic’s Lerner College of Medicine and the Clinic’s Center for Ethics, Humanities and Spiritual Care. Since it was a poetry reading, you might suspect the “Dr.” indicates Dr. Campo’s...

#CLEPublicService: Meet the 2018-19 Cleveland Foundation Public Service Fellows

We're excited to introduce you to the 2018-19 cohort of Cleveland Foundation Public Service Fellows! After a nationwide search that attracted nearly 100 applications from 18 states, and representing 58 colleges and universities, nine individuals have been selected for this year's fellowship. In September, these fellows will begin their...

Summer of Purpose: Melissa Haynam

Remaining Human and Keeping My Promises This entire academic year for me has been about getting out of my comfort zone and taking advantage of all the wonderful opportunities Cleveland State and the city of Cleveland have to offer. #CLE I participated in the Mentoring Program organized by Senator Grace Drake in the Maxine Levin College...


City of Cleveland Neighborhood Safety Fund The $10 million fund is housed at the Cleveland Foundation and was seeded with American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) money from the City. The fund will provide grants for community-driven, evidence-informed programming serving Cleveland residents that address the root causes of violence under the...

A day in the life…

It is deadline day for material that will go to the foundation's Grantmaking Committee this quarter – though this line is invisible to the community – and so my day and my desk are filled with a host of other things that have their own timing pressures: There's the report from a major institution’s financial recovery plan that has...

So you think you can run an arts organization

Too often I hear from those outside the nonprofit sector complaining that arts organizations are always in trouble because they don’t know how to run things like a business. I would challenge any businessperson to stay in business if: Every year you must invent and produce a whole new product line that has not been market-tested (five...

Blooming Euclid

I have had occasion, these warm summer days, to walk outside for lunch. In addition to being able to get out of the frigid office air conditioning, my great delight has been walking up Euclid Avenue toward Public Square. Yes, you heard me – a delight to walk up Euclid Avenue. What a difference a few months make! In addition to the...