Families, corporations, individuals and even private foundations have established funds at the Cleveland Foundation. These funds have their own grantmaking strategies and application processes.

If you have questions or need additional information about a specific fund, Cleveland Foundation Grants Management.

Applications for the following funds must be received by the deadlines listed below. Please log in to Grants Gateway to complete an application.

Affiliated Fund Focus Deadlines
Frank Hadley Ginn & Cornelia Root Ginn Foundation

The mission of the Frank Hadley Ginn & Cornelia Root Ginn Foundation is to address education and community-based healthcare needs of low-income individuals through the support of effective programs and services that bring about long-term solutions for individuals and the community, particularly in Cuyahoga County, Ohio.

The Ginn Foundation will support children, their education, their families, and organizations that provide education and healthcare services. Ginn’s grant focus is on the following:


  • Programs that support academic success
  • Programs that support social emotional growth in students to help them excel in school
  • In school and after school programs that supplement academic learning


  • Programs that support families and children with medical and behavioral health services

Current, former and new grantee organizations are welcome to apply. The Ginn Foundation generally does not want to be the sole or principal founder of pilot or new programs.

If an organization has received 5 consecutive grants from the Ginn Foundation, we ask that you not apply for 2 years.

Grants typically range from $5,000 to $15,000.

March 1
Higley Fund

The Higley Fund is sunsetting as of August 2025 and is no longer accepting applications. Beginning in 2026, funding from the Legacy Fund will be part of general grantmaking through the Cleveland Foundation and will not be a separate funding source.

Legacy Village Lyndhurst Community Fund

The purpose of the Legacy Village Lyndhurst Community Fund is primarily to support philanthropic and other charitable purposes in Lyndhurst its contiguous communities and the South Euclid-Lyndhurst public schools. It is the intent of the funds to primarily benefit the South Euclid-Lyndhurst Public Schools and various programs and not-for-profit organizations serving the residents of the City of Lyndhurst and its contiguous communities.

The fund will award multiple grants ranging from $250 to $5,000

March 1
Aug. 1

NOPEC Foundation Fund

The NOPEC Foundation supports causes that align with its core traits and values. Our niche is to address the needs of NOPEC member communities and the nonprofits operating in them, which may not conventionally be served by grants or public sources.

To learn if your community is a NOPEC Community, click here. Only NOPEC Communities and/or nonprofit organizations whose activities substantially fall within a NOPEC Community are eligible to apply.

The NOPEC Foundation Fund’s focus is on the following Impact Areas:

  • Health & Medical (nonprofit hospitals, clinics, etc.)
  • Social Services (shelters, food banks, etc.)
  • Environment (nonprofit conservancies, canopy restoration, etc.)
  • Community Development (CDCs, civic events, community initiatives, etc.)
  • Economic Development (Chambers, small business consortia, etc.)

Grants will typically range between $10,000 – $40,000.

Click here for NOPEC Foundation’s Quick Reference Guide.

Aug. 1

Thatcher Family Fund  Focus is food, clothing, shelter, and medical care for the neediest people in the Cleveland area March 1
Aug. 1
Treu-Mart Fund  Focus is providing support to programs that reach marginalized and underserved youth

The Treu-Mart Fund is a supporting organization of both the Cleveland Foundation and the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. 

February 1

Aug. 1

Inquiries for the funds listed below are to be submitted by staff-invitation only or are handled through a request for proposal (RFP) process:
Affiliated Fund Focus
The City of Cleveland’s Cable Television Equity in the Arts Fund Focus is to support the planning, preparation, production, and/or presentation of cultural, educational, and scientific programs and projects which promote and benefit Cleveland’s communities of color.
Medical Mutual of Ohio Charitable Foundation  Focus is preventative health care services with a particular interest of adolescents; supports broad-reaching projects that can be viewed as transformational in that they inform the field/become models for other communities; are highly collaborative and creative; and are connected to systems with the potential to impact long-term change.
Sullivan Scholars Foundation Scholarships for eighth grade students currently enrolled in selected Cleveland schools to attend Parochial and private high schools