Foundation Blog

Cleveland Foundation Blog

Great Grants

What do emergency 911, the hospice movement, pap smears, public libraries, polio and yellow fever vaccines, rocket science, Sesame Street, white lines on highways, and ending world hunger have in common? They are all innovations initially funded by foundation...

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Bridging the digital divide

As a program officer I am extremely fortunate to see many wonderful things individuals are doing daily to help Greater Clevelanders. Much of this work goes unnoticed, only known by the recipients and a few others. At times I'm privileged to play a role in...

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Checking Greater Cleveland’s Pulse

During this economic downturn, foundation staff members have had many discussions surrounding appropriate responses to the rapidly changing needs of the community. We began researching the creative solutions that other community foundations  were...

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Internships matter

NOCHE (The Northeast Ohio Council On Higher Education) recently released a fascinating report called the Internship Market Research study.  In short, the report concluded that:    As a student, you should know that internships provide real world...

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Twitter, Nonprofits, and Philanthropy

Usage, news, and discussion surrounding Twitter seem to be everywhere at the moment. I wanted to share several links I think are worth reading to learn more about the Twitter phenomenon and how it might be of actual use in the nonprofit world without becoming...

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WCSB encourages listeners to “Give Back”

WCSB (the student-run radio station of Cleveland State University) is a great place to hear quality, non-corporate radio – much of it featuring music and news connected to Cleveland’s ethnic communities. They have a fantastic, truly eclectic program...

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Book Worms Unite for Social Change!

Earlier this spring, I was asked by our friendly nonprofit association, Ohio Grantmakers Forum, to review a book on nonprofit management for the spring issue of their newsletter.  I used the opportunity to track down the latest publication from the folks at...

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