Foundation Blog

Cleveland Foundation Blog

Spreading Great Ideas

On Friday, February 26, Cleveland was home to its first local version of TED. For those who are unfamiliar, TED (which stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design) has been an annual event bringing together experts from around the world (think Bill Gates...

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No Easy Solutions For Arts Organizations

Yesterday, I watched my older daughter dance on the stage of the Greg L. Reese Performing Arts Center located at the East Cleveland Library. I was a proud parent, watching her tackle a particularly challenging contemporary ballet piece, silently cheering her...

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Seeking Summer Interns for 2010

We are currently recruiting the region’s best and brightest for the 2010 Cleveland Foundation summer internship program.  As we approach its 11th year, the program has helped us confirm two important pieces of information: 1) Nonprofits continue to...

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How big is your network?

Did you ever see those Verizon commercials, the ones that boast about the size of their network?  The Verizon network is made of a spokesperson with an army of technicians and suits who are there to support you - the customer.    As I reflect...

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Cycling Cleveland

This summer I was lucky enough to visit Montreal for the first time. My favorite part of the experience wasn’t the great cultural institutions, history, architecture, art, or festivals – but the experience of being in a city that has embraced bicycles. The...

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Re-Imagining Cleveland

I came across a recent blog post that questioned if the recent Neighborhood Progress, Inc. report, Re-imagining Cleveland was audacious or realistic.  If you have not seen the plan, please take a look.     My two cents: the plan is bold and doable.  The...

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