Foundation Blog

Cleveland Foundation Blog
Michael Elliott

How I Spent My Summer: Michael Elliott

A good question determines the quality of the answer given and helps to uncover the underlining issues of a problem or challenges we will face in our particular fields. This has been my approach in life and it has served me very well in gaining new insight...

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Jennie Ford

How I Spent My Summer: Jennie Ford

First, let me explain my picture. I was inspired by the art posted on a building in Collinwood during a professional development seminar hosted by North East Shores Development, another host site. I couldn't resist incorporating the unique art I experienced...

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Andrew Katusin

How I Spent My Summer: Andrew Katusin

Curiosity did not kill the cat. In my first week at the Cleveland Museum of Art, being a curious intern has helped me find my sea legs and a rhythm at work. Asking questions about the organization's mission, the department's role in that mission, and how I...

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Meet Our 2012 Intern Class

The 2012 class of the Cleveland Foundation Summer Intern program is a smart, energetic and eclectic bunch. Each week, you will hear about their experiences, thoughts and reflections about their host organizations, the nonprofit sector and Cleveland. Stay...

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And the Survey Says…

The Cleveland Foundation recently issued a survey asking for feedback about our process for applying for grants. It is part of our ongoing commitment to listening to the grantee community and in recognition of implementing a new system later this year. We...

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We’re Looking for Summer Interns

This summer will be the 13th year of the Cleveland Foundation Summer Internship Program (SIP). The program was established to address the numerous inquiries the Foundation receives each year from college students regarding internship opportunities. Staying...

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Building a Career in Nonprofit Cleveland

Building a Career in Nonprofit Cleveland

The Cleveland chapter of the Young Nonprofit Professionals Network (YNPN) just released a report called “Building a Career in Nonprofit Cleveland.” The report is the result of a survey and focus group of YNPN members. Job satisfaction, career advancement...

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David Campbell

How I Spent My Summer: David Campbell

  When most people think of vital services to the community, public transit usually is not the first thing that comes to mind. However, for the millions of people that rely on public transit to get to work every day, it is a necessity. With the rising prices...

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