Foundation Blog

Cleveland Foundation Blog

Intern Learns Leadership Skills

We are now accepting host site applications for the 2013 Cleveland Foundation summer intern program. The deadline to apply to be a host site is Nov. 30.  Get more information here. To give you an idea of what the internship program is about, we are reposting...

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Internship Exceeds Student’s Expectations

We are now accepting host site applications for the 2013 Cleveland Foundation summer intern program. The deadline to apply to be a host site is Nov. 30.  Get more information here. To give you an idea of what the internship program is about, we are reposting...

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Graham Welling

How I Spent My Summer: Graham Welling

This summer, I crossed the line from college student to young professional. I'll admit that I was a bit apprehensive about leaving the tight community that is Ohio State, but my fears were unfounded. I've loved my experience this summer as a Cleveland...

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Thomas Corrigan

How I Spent My Summer: Thomas Corrigan

One of the founding principles of the Manchester Bidwell Corporation and its Cleveland replication NewBridge Cleveland Center for Arts and Technology is that environment shapes behavior. When we dismiss people as victims they internalize it. Poverty and...

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Alison Black

How I Spent My Summer: Alison Black

One year ago today I was living in Chicago and preparing for my move to Cleveland. When I would tell people where I was going they always had a look of surprise and inevitably they would ask: Why Cleveland?. To be honest, I wasn't sure either. But I was...

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Keisha Gonzalez

How I Spent My Summer: Keisha Gonzalez

"The city of Cleveland has defined the person that I have become... Diverse and culturally rich neighborhoods such as downtown Cleveland, Ohio City, Coventry, and Tremont have motivated me to orient my academic endeavors toward the development and...

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Marijose Vilá

How I Spent My Summer: Marijose Vila

My experiences with the Cleveland Foundation and its summer internship program have provided me with a fresh new insight into community development and the nonprofit world.  Participating in the program has opened numerous doors and allowed me to explore...

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