Foundation Blog

Cleveland Foundation Blog

How I Spent My Summer: Ana Maria Martinez

As a direct practice social work student at Case Western Reserve University, I spend a great deal of my time working “at the ground level” of nonprofit agencies. Being in direct practice means I am generally following guidelines and filling out paperwork...

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How I Spent My Summer: Emilie Fetheroff

One evening, I found myself sitting at a stop light at Carnegie and E. 14th on my route home from work. As I sat waiting for the light to turn, my attention was redirected from the cars whizzing by to a large billboard displaying the following words...

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How I Spent My Summer: Brian S. Schultz

When thinking of philanthropy, it can be easy to get lost in the broadness of the word. Many things can come to mind: wealthy families such as the Rockefellers, large community foundations, and nonprofits in search of grants to fund their programs. For me...

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How I Spent My Summer: Steven Kanner

One doesn’t just ride the RTA bus route number 20; one experiences the sights and sounds and smells of urban America.  On my way to my first day of work as a Cleveland Foundation summer intern at Seeds of Literacy, I heard a fellow rider in the back of the...

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How I Spent My Summer: Austin Boxler

When I graduated from my Northeast Ohio high school, I had no idea what my future would be like, but I did know that I wanted to get out of Ohio. I was enamored by the idea of living in New York City or San Francisco and building a life in a glitzy coastal...

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How I Spent My Summer: Samantha Steinfeld

As a recent college graduate, I’m convinced that my stress threshold has been unnaturally enhanced. Like any junkie, I can’t get to my normal level of functioning unless I have papers, events, presentations, internships, and part-time jobs to occupy my...

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How I Spent My Summer: MaryKate McHugh

What could be better than strolling out of your office on a warm summer day than freshly harvested produced, flowers, prepared lunch food, and more? On Wednesday, June 5, the North Union Farmers Market opened two summer lunch-time markets at the Cleveland...

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How I Spent My Summer: Joshua Edmonds

So far I love both: the professional side that the Cleveland Foundation exhibits during our weekly gatherings at the office, and the creative expression that is seeping from the walls at my host site, Lake Erie Ink “A Writing Space for Youth”.  It has...

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