Foundation Blog

Cleveland Foundation Blog

Using Twitter to advance your mission

What is Twitter? …and how does it relate to the nonprofit/philanthropic community? This week I’m posting some basics about Twitter, what it is and how I am using it. Next week I’ll post information about how I see Twitter benefiting the...

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Our grantees make us proud

The documentary PolyCultures: Food Where We Live  is set to screen March 25 and 26 at the Cleveland International Film Festival. One of our grantees, the New Agrarian Center, partnered with LESS Productions, to produce the film. The...

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Managing through the Downturn

Times are tough, and as nonprofit executives you don’t need me reminding you.  Every day my colleagues and I hear from more and more organizations that are stretching their dollars and reevaluating their programs. Everyone is searching for new funding...

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What former gang members can teach us

I heard a great story at a conference a few months back. In my mind this story represents how responsive and innovative nonprofits can and must be. I was on a site visit in East Los Angeles at a nonprofit called Homeboy Industries.  A staff member recounted...

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Blogs We Should Read

As someone new to the world of blogging, I’m curious about what blogs I should be reading – specifically blogs that might be helpful for philanthropy and nonprofits. Whom do you recommend? I should note that I do not have (or have not made) time in my life...

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Youth, art and workforce development

For six weeks ArtWorks provides an opportunity for youth to create art (including music, dance, visual art, theater) and learn workforce skills.  I visited the ArtWorks program when we had placed a Cleveland Foundation summer intern at the sponsoring...

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Lead on, (Next Gen) leaders!

by Jill Paulsen, program officer Cleveland is a town where you can make a real difference. Where you can lead. Just ask our 30 newly minted Ladder to Leadership fellows, participants in a joint initiative of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the...

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Does your organization matter?

I just finished reading a book called Relevance - Making Stuff  That Matters by Tim Manners.  The book explored the topic of relevance and provided case studies of how brands achieve and maintain relevance.   It talked about how brands communicate using...

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Can interns revitalize Ohio’s economy?

Recently, the Cleveland Foundation hosted the Fenn Educational Fund annual meeting. The Fenn Fund has been managed by the Cleveland Foundation for more than 40 years and is designed to promote cooperative education and internship programs at institutions of...

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