Foundation Blog

Cleveland Foundation Blog

Philly Envy

In articles linked through ArtsJournal this week, I was interested to read that Philadelphia’s mayor, Michael Nutter, has announced the appointment of a chief Cultural Officer for the city and the re-establishment of the Cultural Affairs Office within City...

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Globally and locally in the arts

In its Sunday, July 13, opinion page editorial, the Plain Dealer noted an important requirement for the future success of this region in the shrinking world of the 21st century. A number of local civic organizations were chided for not moving aggressively to...

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Gearing up for SmART

We have been conducting registration for the 2008 SmART in the City program, a free, five-week total arts immersion camp for City of Cleveland fifth- and sixth-graders. SmART is a remarkable partnership of funders, arts organizations, local artists and...

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Getting out in front of the words

“Artists are often out in front of the words,” said Anna Deavere Smith in her keynote address cum performance at the Creative Voices Summit at Cleveland State University this week. “How do we deal with this in school, where it’s all about the words...

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Of head scarves and at-risk children

This past Wednesday, two days after 11 Turkish artists and educators arrived to start Phase II of a year-long exchange program between Cleveland and Istanbul, the Turkish Supreme Court overturned a law permitting the wearing of head scarves in Turkish...

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Renting audiences

It was not until I read the latest issue of the Wolf-Brown consulting firm’s newsletter that I encountered the concept of “renting an audience.” But according to Matt Lehrman, executive director of Alliance for Audience of Phoenix, this is what so many...

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A day in the life…

It is deadline day for material that will go to the foundation's Grantmaking Committee this quarter – though this line is invisible to the community – and so my day and my desk are filled with a host of other things that have their own timing...

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Back from Istanbul

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The Cleveland Foundation's Kathleen Cerveny recently traveled to Istanbul, Turkey, as part of a contingent of Cleveland-area arts professionals. Their goal is to work with Turkish artists, teachers and others to develop arts programs for urban...

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Philanthropy and civil society

Originally posted to this blog: 3/4/08 While preparing a talk to faculty and students of the Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities at Case Western Reserve University recently, I ran across a 2004 issue of the journal The READER. The journal is published by...

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