Foundation Blog

Cleveland Foundation Blog

A day in the life…

It is deadline day for material that will go to the foundation's Grantmaking Committee this quarter – though this line is invisible to the community – and so my day and my desk are filled with a host of other things that have their own timing...

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Back from Istanbul

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The Cleveland Foundation's Kathleen Cerveny recently traveled to Istanbul, Turkey, as part of a contingent of Cleveland-area arts professionals. Their goal is to work with Turkish artists, teachers and others to develop arts programs for urban...

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Philanthropy and civil society

Originally posted to this blog: 3/4/08 While preparing a talk to faculty and students of the Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities at Case Western Reserve University recently, I ran across a 2004 issue of the journal The READER. The journal is published by...

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The arts and the presidential race

Well, we’ve jumped with both feet into the 2008 presidential race, with Iowa and New Hampshire behind us and Super Tuesday, the conventions and the long march to November ahead. While Americans for the Arts has documented those candidates who have made...

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The ImagiNation

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”  - Albert Einstein Imagination: visualizing new possibilities for human thought and action and the use of materials. Creativity: originality, flexibility and elaboration in making what was imagined. The...

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Greetings, and welcome to what I intend to become a regular sharing of ideas and information from my world to yours. My world is complex and so the sharing may take many forms, but mostly I will focus on issues relating to the Cleveland Foundation and the arts...

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