Foundation Blog

Cleveland Foundation Blog

“World class” won’t be enough

An important new RAND report titled "State Arts Policy: Trends and Future Prospects" outlines new thinking and approaches being adopted by some state arts agencies (SAA's) to position themselves effectively in the changing political environment. The new...

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Owning the cold

If I hear one more person complain about the weather in Cleveland, I’m going to scream. We just had the most glorious spring/summer/fall season in my memory.  So now it's (almost) winter.  And we don’t have four feet of snow already like states in the...

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Balancing act

Throughout my varied career in the arts, which has been invested as much in teaching, advocacy, management and governance as it has been in actually making art, I have claimed that my technical training in the visual arts has put me in good stead no matter...

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Scenes from Election Day

I was a Legal Observer on Election Day, assigned to a small, near-West-Side Hispanic district.  While there was much that was unremarkable about many voters’ engagement with the process, and a few moments of minor drama throughout the day, here are some...

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Poems for these times

The tension around the upcoming election is really getting to me.  As I often do when anxious, I search through my favorite poems, looking for wisdom or solace or inspiration.  So it was that I came across the following three poems.  The first, by Denise...

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