Foundation Blog

Cleveland Foundation Blog
Donte Gibbs

How I Spent My Summer: Donte Gibbs

As the summer youth program coordinator at the Neighborhood Leadership Institute, I have my hands full. However, it is definitely rewarding to see the excitement of the young kids (8-14) that are participating in the summer program. One of my duties is to...

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Seerat Bahniwal

How I Spent My Summer: Seerat Bahniwal

Improving education for children is one of my passions as a student at the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences at Case Western Reserve University. It's also a focus of STEM, an educational program bringing science, technology, engineering and...

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Evaluation is Not a Thing: It is a Way

I just returned from a very meaty and reflective meeting on the role of evaluation in philanthropy (NOT as dry a subject as it may sound!). It was organized by the Evaluation Roundtable, a program of the Foundation Center to improve philanthropy. The...

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How I Spent My Summer: Liam Martin

Our conversation went something like this. “So, where are you working this summer?” “I’m going to be at ShoreBank Enterprise.” “Oh…Yeah, you look like you’d work at a bank.” It was this seemingly innocuous statement in the midst of an...

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Nicole Velasquez

How I Spent My Summer: Nicole Velasquez

I count myself very fortunate to have the opportunity to be a part of the Cleveland Foundation summer internship. I am placed with The City Club of Cleveland where I am exposed to all aspects of what the organization does. I have taken on a variety of tasks...

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Sarah Narkin

How I Spent My Summer: Sarah Narkin

Founded and headquartered in Cleveland, Voices for Ohio’s Children is a non-partisan collaboration of individuals and organizations that advocate for children-focused public policy. In analyzing health, education, family, tax, and juvenile justice issues...

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How I Spent My Summer: Amy Freede

Since 1976, Towards Employment has helped individuals in the community by supporting their entry or re-entry into the working world. My work at the organization is focused on two specific job readiness programs: NETworks 2 Success and NETworks 4 Success. Both...

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Afraid To Become A Coward

That’s what Lily Yeh said about fighting her fears and taking on the challenge of transforming a distressed Philadelphia neighborhood – and the lives of the distressed and forgotten people who lived there.  Lily Yeh is an artist who has worked most of...

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Boots On The Ground

Today, the 11th class of the Cleveland Foundation Summer Internship program starts. These individuals went through a very competitive application and interview process - more than 250 applications were received for only 16 placements. The interns represent...

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