Foundation Blog

Cleveland Foundation Blog
Planters at Playhouse Square

Blooming Euclid

I have had occasion, these warm summer days, to walk outside for lunch. In addition to being able to get out of the frigid office air conditioning, my great delight has been walking up Euclid Avenue toward Public Square. Yes, you heard me – a delight to...

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Modesto Acosta

How I Spent My Summer: Modesto Acosta

Every day, people search for that one thing that inspires them. They look for that something that excites them every morning when they wake up or titillates their imagination as they push through another hard day's work. I too, have been looking for my...

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Monica Laco

How I Spent My Summer: Monica Laco

The Cleveland Foundation summer internship program is about going outside your comfort zone. Every week, in both our jobs and the weekly development seminars, we are challenged to think differently, dream big and jump in to new experiences, even if we’re not...

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Adam Yasinow

How I Spent My Summer: Adam Yasinow

As someone who has been a member of two different summer internship programs, I have learned that there is only one factor that determines the "worthwhileness" of an internship—your relationship with your supervisor. Lucky interns are placed with a stellar...

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Kachi Udeoji

How I Spent My Summer: Kachi Udeoji

Opera Cleveland was born in 2006 out of the amalgamation of two Cleveland-based nonprofit arts organizations with similar missions. The Lyric Opera of Cleveland and Cleveland Opera both had a mission of enriching the communities of Northeast Ohio by staging...

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India Pierce

How I Spent My Summer: India Pierce

I believe I was in the 10th grade when I decided I was going to move as far away from Cleveland as I possibly could. I dreamed of graduating from high school, leaving for college and only returning for holidays and special events. Yet life took me in a...

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Anne Brewka

How I Spent My Summer: Anne Brewka

To be a Cleveland Foundation intern involves balancing work responsibilities at a host organization with participation in the Summer Internship Program’s weekly seminars and events. To be a shared intern between three nonprofit organizations in addition to...

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Taryn Higgins

How I Spent My Summer: Taryn Higgins

For those who are unfamiliar with Ohio State University Extension, it began as part of The Cooperative Extension Service system in 1862, and is known as a “land-grant university” today. OSU Extension provides educational programs across Ohio, combining...

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Serpil Sevgen

Painting On Water

Serpil Sevgen is a Turkish school counselor and artist who uses the arts as a tool in her counseling work with youth in Istanbul. Serpil is another of the foundation’s Creative Fusion artists and she has brought both her counseling and her artistic skills...

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