Foundation Blog

Cleveland Foundation Blog
Shopbox Doors Open

Winches and Wheels, or How to Move a Store

Rather than "How to move a store," this blog should be titled "Why move a store?" When Creative Fusion artist Cristián Schmitt came to Cleveland from his home in Santiago, Chile, in April this year, he saw much to inspire him in creating new work. Cristián...

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David Campbell

How I Spent My Summer: David Campbell

  When most people think of vital services to the community, public transit usually is not the first thing that comes to mind. However, for the millions of people that rely on public transit to get to work every day, it is a necessity. With the rising prices...

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Joanne Neugebauer

How I Spent My Summer: Joanne Neugebauer

This summer I was placed at University Hospitals, splitting my time between the Center for Child Health and Policy at Rainbow and the newly formed Office of Sustainability working on projects focused on the multiple ways food and the hospital intersect. When...

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Nick Borchers

How I Spent My Summer: Nick Borchers

As over 250 young professionals departed Edgewater Park for BVU’s Summer of Service event, BVU’s mission of “linking businesses and nonprofits to foster excellence in the nonprofit sector” was running through my mind. Interns and young professionals...

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Colleen Halpin

How I Spent My Summer: Colleen Halpin

Everyone knows who Amelia Earhart was. Her disappearance is perhaps more widely known than her participation in the 1929 Women's Air Derby, but here at the International Women's Air & Space Museum it is her life and her contributions to women in aviation...

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Andrew Gotlieb

How I Spent My Summer: Andrew Gotlieb

“When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth” - Sherlock Holmes I have had an amazing opportunity this summer to intern with Cleveland Housing Court and Judge Raymond L. Pianka. Cleveland Housing...

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Eric Vega

How I Spent My Summer: Eric Vega

I can vividly remember just like it was yesterday when Ciba Jones from the Cleveland Foundation called me and said, " Jeff of Ohio City wants to offer you the position. Do you accept?" I jumped up and down in excitement and said, "Oh my God, yes...of...

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Amber Zemek

How I Spent My Summer: Amber Zemek

The mission of The Gathering Place is to support, educate and empower individuals and families touched by cancer through programs and services provided free of charge. They have two locations: Beachwood and Westlake. Since I started here, I have been...

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Imani Allen

How I Spent My Summer: Imani Allen

The mission of Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry (LMM) is to promote shalom (peace, well-being) and justice (right relationships) through a Christian ministry of service and advocacy with those who are oppressed, forgotten and hurting. LMM serves clients in...

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Hannah Keelor

How I Spent My Summer: Hannah Keelor

As an intern with Cleveland Neighborhood Arts this summer, I am responsible for producing written pieces on the benefits of arts involvement to Cleveland residents. Two of my biggest loves are Cleveland and the arts, so I am very pleased to take on this...

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