Foundation Blog

Cleveland Foundation Blog

Summer of Purpose: Kevin Gebura

As I reflect on my experience with this program, it is hard to imagine succeeding my undergraduate education any other way. I feared that entering the workforce would completely strip me of my self-worth. On the contrary, this summer has taught me, if nothing...

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Summer of Purpose: Khalid Ali

Moving forward with reform Some great thinker once said “education is the foundation upon which we build our future.” In the United States, this statement certainly rings true as a lack of, or access to quality, education has a symbiotic relationship with...

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Summer of Purpose: Shaylei Willadsen

What I Know Meets Who I Know   My mother has always told me, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” While sometimes I believe that’s the case, I’ve come to the conclusion that 99% of the time it’s a hefty dose of both. I am a...

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Summer of Purpose: Mary Ellen Riley

Get on Your Bikes and Ride…To Work!   Alarm goes off at 6 a.m., hit snooze, roll over, pull covers over your head. Jump in the shower, brew a cup of joe, pour some cereal, grab your keys and prepare yourself for stop-and-go traffic, crazy morning...

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Summer of Purpose: Joshua Jenkins

Coming Full Circle I am a firm believer in the timeless cliché that everything happens for a reason. This summer internship experience with The Cleveland Foundation has further reinforced that notion for myself and has the hamster wheels in my head spinning...

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Summer of Purpose: Stephanie Poutz

I’m helping to make a Greener Greater Cleveland. On the back of West Creek Conservancy t-shirts is a statement that inspires me at my internship every day: “I’m helping to make a Greener Greater Cleveland.” To me, the best part about interning with a...

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Summer of Purpose: Sam Braun

The past month working as a development intern at The Montefiore Foundation has been very new, exciting, and rewarding for me. Two themes that have emerged in these first four weeks and that I have been reflecting on are opportunity and collaboration. Coming...

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Summer of Purpose: Hannah Vaughn

You’ll know you’re in the right place when the people surrounding you feel like your tribe.  The past three weeks have been filled with a constant flow of inspiring moments. Every professional development seminar has left me feeling energized and excited...

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Summer of Purpose: Darrin Redus

In early June, facilitators of the Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED), along with AmeriCorps HPAC leaders, volunteered to bring SOLE [Self Organized Learning Environments] to the Cleveland Public Library system for their Staff Development Day. In...

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Summer of Purpose: Melissa Haynam

Remaining Human and Keeping My Promises This entire academic year for me has been about getting out of my comfort zone and taking advantage of all the wonderful opportunities Cleveland State and the city of Cleveland have to offer. #CLE I participated in the...

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