Strengthening our Community

It seems that just when a charitable organization is needed most by its constituents, funds from private, philanthropic and government resources become all the more difficult to obtain. Forward-thinking board members and staff of charitable organizations are discovering the need to establish stable investments that look to the long-term needs of their organizations. 

Give to an Organizational Fund

Organizational Partner Benefits

An organizational fund through the Cleveland Foundation can serve both as part of an organization’s funding mix and as a long-term growth strategy. Cleveland Foundation staff can assist your organization in establishing an organizational fund. The benefits of establishing a Cleveland Foundation organizational fund include: 

  • Access to large investment pools with low fees and proven strong investment stewardship
  • Planned giving expertise and sophisticated giving vehicles such as charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts and charitable lead trusts
  • Positive brand affiliation with the foundation by virtue of having an organizational fund backed by the services and reputation of the Cleveland Foundation
  • Assigned philanthropic advisor providing customized services, including access to the foundation’s Philanthropy team with decades of legal, tax, grantmaking and development experience

The foundation also offers its organizational fund partners secure online giving directly to their fund through the foundation’s “Give Now” menu. All gifts are income tax deductible at the highest levels allowed, and the foundation provides gift receipts or gift acknowledgment letters to every donor.

While comingled for investment, the organization’s fund will not be used for other purposes. All gifts and earnings will be restricted for the organization’s benefit only. The foundation provides all investment management and oversight, including all accounting and financial reporting.  

To learn more, please contact a member of the Cleveland Foundation Philanthropy team at 877-554-5054 or email us.

Cleveland Foundation Organizational Fund Partners

Please expand each category to view all Giving opportunities 

Arts & Culture

Apollo’s Fire: The Cleveland Baroque Orchestra

Apollo’s Fire engages widespread audiences performing 17th- and 18th-century baroque music on the period instruments for which the music was written and promotes a fresh and lively approach to historically informed performance.

Give to Apollo’s Fire: The Cleveland Baroque Orchestra

Art House, Inc.

Our mission is to make art accessible to Brooklyn Centre and the Greater Cleveland community by providing instruction, encouragement, and facilities.

Give to Art House

Artists Archives of the Western Reserve

The Artists Archives of the Western Reserve is a unique archival facility and regional museum that preserves representative bodies of work created by Ohio visual artists and, through ongoing research, exhibition and educational programs, actively documents and promotes this cultural heritage for the benefit of the public.

Give to Artists Archives of the Western Reserve Artists of Color Fund

Give to Artists Archives of the Western Reserve Endowment Fund

Give to Artists Archives of the Western Reserve Legacy Fund

The Association of African American Cultural Gardens

The mission of the Association of African American Cultural Gardens is to develop and preserve the African American Cultural Gardens, promote and encourage education and interest in African American history and culture, and perpetuate a spirit of friendship and unity among people of all diverse cultures.

Give to The Association of African American Cultural Gardens


The mission of BAYarts is to provide a welcoming lakeside environment to stimulate, encourage and support professional and aspiring artists of all ages through collaboration, education and exhibition.

Give to the BAYarts Culture Access Fund

Chagrin Documentary Film Festival

The Chagrin Documentary Film Festival is dedicated to educating audiences and empowering talented filmmakers to tell their stories. The Festival is a five-day celebration of the art of documentary film, at venues in and around the century village of Chagrin Falls, Ohio. This inspiring event draws audiences from all over Northeast Ohio, the US and the world to experience documentary films and the compelling art and culture they highlight.

Give to Chagrin Documentary Film Festival

The City Club of Cleveland

The City Club of Cleveland’s mission is to create conversations of consequence that help democracy thrive.

Give to City Club of Cleveland

Cleveland Arts Prize

Cleveland Arts Prize’s mission is to: identify, reward, publicly honor and promote those creative artists whose original work and accomplishments have set a standard of excellence to which other artists can aspire; as well as recognize the contributions of individuals and organizations that have expanded the community’s participation in the arts and helped make the region more hospitable to creative artistic expression.

Give to Cleveland Arts Prize

Cleveland Ballet

The mission of Cleveland Ballet is to present world class dance on stage through classical and new works, ensuring that ballet works are accessible and relevant to audiences of all ages and backgrounds. Cleveland Ballet creates dance and outreach programs of the highest levels of excellence, reaching deeply into the hearts of our community to inspire audiences.

Give to Cleveland Ballet

Cleveland International Film Festival

The mission of the Cleveland International Film Festival is to promote artistically and culturally significant film arts through education and exhibition to enrich the life of the community.

Give to Cleveland International Film Festival

Cleveland Jazz Orchestra

The mission of the Cleveland Jazz Orchestra is to increase awareness and appreciation of jazz by engaging the community with original music, exceptional performances, and inspirational educational programming.

Give to Cleveland Jazz Orchestra

Cleveland Philharmonic Orchestra

The Cleveland Philharmonic Orchestra provides a quality musical and educational contribution to the Northeast Ohio community by skilled and dedicated musicians from all walks of life. The orchestra performs symphonic music at a high artistic standard in an environment that is welcoming for audiences and musicians.

Give to Cleveland Philharmonic Orchestra

Cleveland Play House

Cleveland Play House’s mission is to inspire, stimulate and entertain diverse audiences across Northeast Ohio by producing plays and theatre education programs of the highest professional standards.

Give to Cleveland Play House

Cleveland Pops Orchestra

The Cleveland Pops Orchestra with Carl Topilow performs the highest quality symphonic pops music to entertain and enrich a wide and diverse audience, and provides educational programs to develop an enduring appreciation of music.

Give to The Cleveland Pops Orchestra

Cleveland Public Theatre

Cleveland Public Theatre’s mission is to raise consciousness and nurture compassion through groundbreaking performances and life-changing educational programs.

Give to Cleveland Public Theatre

Collective Arts Network (CAN)

The Collective Arts Network aims to foster collaboration among visual arts organizations of Northeast Ohio on communication and other projects, including publication of CAN Journal, and other projects.

Give to Collective Arts Network

Credo Music

Credo Music nurtures the growth of young musicians to help them become musical and community leaders. Its mission – “Develop the Gift, Acknowledge the Source, Respond with Service” – is fulfilled by working toward the following goals: provide professional level musical instruction to students, encourage students to recognize their talents as a gift, requiring a response through service, and cultivate community service through outreach projects and concerts.

Give to Credo Music


DANCECleveland brings the passion and verve of contemporary and modern dance to the hearts and minds of audiences in Northeast Ohio by curating and delivering a vibrant annual concert series of nationally and internationally recognized dance companies surrounded by a robust array of outreach and education opportunities which inspire our community and contextualize the presented work. As one of just a handful of modern dance presenting organizations in the United States, DANCECleveland provides the community access to the vibrant and ever-evolving art of modern dance and elevates our region’s reputation as a major center for dance in the country. 

Give to DANCECleveland

Dobama Theatre

Dobama Theatre is dedicated to premiering important new plays by established and emerging playwrights in professional productions of the highest quality. Through theatrical production, community engagement, and education programming, Dobama nurtures the development of theatre artists and builds new audiences for the arts while provoking an examination of our contemporary world.

Give to Dobama Theatre

Fine Arts Association

Fine Arts Association’s mission is to serve the community by enhancing lives through arts education, therapies, performance, community partnerships and advocacy.

Give to Fine Arts Association

Great Lakes Science Center

Great Lakes Science Center’s mission is to bring science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) to life. We are committed to providing STEM for all, inspiring the future workforce and growing with families in our unique learning environment.

Give to Great Lakes Science Center

Heights Arts

Heights Arts cultivates a strong, collaborative arts community by inspiring people of all ages to engage in the arts; supporting the arts through education; providing exhibition and performance opportunities; and fostering public appreciation for the arts.

Give to Heights Arts

Ideastream Public Media

Ideastream Public Media serves the people of Northeast Ohio as a trusted and dynamic multimedia source for illuminating the world around us. Ideastream Public Media is your source for trusted local journalism, inspiring stories and quality entertainment. Publicly supported and locally owned, Ideastream Public Media is indispensable and highly valued for its unique ability to strengthen our community.

Give to Ideastream Public Media Fund

MEFGOX – Mid-Eastern Federation of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians

The Mid-Eastern Federation of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians is established to provide an organized forum for all involved parties in Orthodox liturgical worship: the Metropolitans of Detroit and Pittsburgh, clergy, chanters, choir directors, choir members, youth musicians, organists, composers/arrangers, and translators.

Give to MEFGOX

Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland (moCa)

The Museum of Contemporary Art is a unique and dynamic place for the visual art of our time. We challenge, inspire and teach a wide range of audiences. Our purpose is to push the boundaries of innovation, creativity and exploration through exhibitions, publications, education and outreach programs. 

Give to the Museum of Contemporary Art

The Music Settlement

The mission of The Music Settlement is to create an inclusive community where artistic expression belongs to everyone by serving those who seek personal growth through the arts.

Give to the Music Settlement

The Musical Theater Project

Musicals open a window to the human condition. As a national resource and authority on the American musical, The Musical Theater Project (TMTP) fosters a deeper appreciation of the art form and the cultural and social history that surrounds it by creating programs that educate as well as entertain people of all ages.

Give to The Musical Theater Project

Near West Theatre

Near West Theatre builds loving relationships and engages diverse people in strengthening their sense of identity, passion, and purpose, individually and in community, through transformational theatre arts experiences.

Give to Near West Theatre

Polish-American Cultural Center

The Polish-American Cultural Center, named in honor of Pope John Paul II, is a 501(c) (3) tax exempt, non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of Polish culture, traditions, language, history, literature, arts, music, theater and education. Our mission is to provide an organizational structure for all who desire to be in touch with Polish heritage.

Give to Polish-American Cultural Center Fund

Rabbit Run Community Arts Association

RRCAA is a comprehensive fine arts organization providing year-round instruction in all the major disciplines of the fine and performing arts as well as numerous arts and cultural opportunities to the public.

Give to Rabbit Run Community Arts Association

Rainey Institute

Rainey Institute develops positive growth for Greater Cleveland’s youth through education and engagement in visual and performing arts.

Give to Rainey Institute

The Singers’ Club of Cleveland

Established in 1891, The Singers’ Club of Cleveland has continued to present the finest music for men’s voices, dynamic young soloists and internationally known guest artists. Through a scholarship program, local voice students receive stipends to continue their music education.

Give to The Singers’ Club of Cleveland

Singing Angels

Singing Angels mission is “to encourage, foster and cultivate positive youth development by engaging youth from all communities in quality music and performing arts education that teaches discipline, builds confidence, and provides a foundation for life — Making Music, Making Friends, Making a Difference.”

Give to Singing Angels


SPACES is the resource and public forum for artists who explore and experiment.

Give to SPACES

Union Club Foundation

The mission of the Union Club Foundation is promoting and developing community interest in the arts, and the advancement of the knowledge of the general public regarding the arts, presenting concerts and public discussion groups, forums, panels, lectures and other similar programs for the public concerning subjects useful to the individual and beneficial to the community, providing financial support to a scholarship fund for the benefit of employees of the Union Club and their children, and providing funds for the historic preservation of buildings in Cleveland.

Give to the Union Club Foundation Fund

Zygote Press

Zygote Press is an artist workshop promoting fine-art printmaking. Through advocacy, exhibitions, community workshops & festivals, we encourage collective exchanges between artists and the public. Here, artists find affordable, professional workspace and support for their practice.

Give to Zygote Press


ACE Mentor Program of Cleveland

The ACE Mentor Program provides mentoring, career pathway, and scholarship support to high school students and inspires them to pursue careers in architecture, construction, and engineering. The mission is to engage, excite, and enlighten students about career opportunities in A/C/E industry.

Give to ACE Mentor Program of Cleveland

The Adhesion Society

The mission of The Adhesion Society is to promote the advancement of the science and technology of adhesion and the dissemination of this knowledge, promote education and training in the science and technology of adhesion, and provide recognition of accomplishments in the international adhesion science and technology community.

Give to The Adhesion Society Fund

Alpha Omega Foundation

This corporation was formed to establish on-going education for youth, to provide a diverse resource pool utilizing professional women for consultation and community outreach services, to serve as a vehicle for raising and distributing scholarship funds to academically talented students, to implement community projects which assist mankind, and to otherwise further the forgoing charitable and educational purposes.

Give to Alpha Omega Foundation

America SCORES Cleveland

America SCORES inspires urban youth to lead healthy lives, be engaged students, and have the confidence and character to make a difference in the world. 

Give to America SCORES Cleveland

American Orff-Schulwerk Association

American Orff-Schulwerk Association’s mission is to demonstrate the value of Orff Schulwerk and promote its widespread use; to support the professional development of our members; and, to inspire and advocate for the creative potential of all learners.

Give to American Orff-Schulwerk Association

Andrews Osborne Academy

Andrews Osborne Academy empowers students to develop into empathic and caring global citizens capable of leading the way into a dynamic future.

Give to Andrews Osborne Academy

The Andy Nowacki Foundation, Inc.

The Andy Nowacki Foundation provides full scholarships to students entering into fields of study that directly impact their communities and exhibit the same passionate, caring spirit that caused Andy Nowacki to become a police officer and a Marine.

Give to Andy Nowacki Foundation

Assad Abood Foundation

The Assad Abood Foundation has been an integral part of educating the students of Aitaneet and neighboring towns in Lebanon since its inception in 1947. The school was founded and its construction paid for by Assad Abood. Mr. Abood then created the foundation in order to ensure the continued sustenance of the school as well as to provide financial support for the education of the children of Aitaneet. The school is currently managed and supervised by the Antonine Sisters.

Give to Assad Abood Foundation

Bay Village Educational Foundation

Bay Village Educational Foundation’s mission is to support, promote and fund programs created by students, faculty and staff in the Bay Village Public Schools. The programs encompass all areas of the public school curriculum and provide an opportunity to enhance enthusiasm for learning.

Give to Bay Village Educational Foundation

Bay Village Public Schools Alumni Foundation

The Bay Alumni Foundation helps alumni stay in touch, fostering the development of our fine schools, and the recognition of exemplary alumni and faculty of Bay Village Public Schools. We also provide scholarships to students graduating from our school system.

Give to Bay Village Public Schools Alumni Foundation

Black Professionals Association Charitable Foundation

Black Professionals Association Charitable Foundation’s mission is to create opportunities for African Americans through scholarship, education and leadership development.

Give to Black Professionals Association Charitable Foundation

Breakthrough Schools – Initiatives in Urban Education Foundation

The mission of Breakthrough Schools is to develop a growing network of distinctive school options that prepare Cleveland area students for success in life.

Give to Breakthrough Schools

Business Volunteers Unlimited

BVU: The Center for Nonprofit Excellence’s mission is to promote business volunteerism and foster excellence in nonprofit organizations.

Give to Business Volunteers Unlimited

Cadiz Alumni Association Scholarship Fund, Inc.

The Cadiz Alumni Association Scholarship Fund, Inc. awards scholarships to deserving graduates in Harrison County, Ohio, primarily from Harrison Central High School, while secondarily memorializing generous benefactors who make such scholarships possible.

Give to Cadiz Alumni Association Scholarship Fund, Inc.

Center for Arts-Inspired Learning

The Center for Arts-Inspired Learning’s mission is simple: to ignite student learning, creativity, and success through the arts. We effectively create innovative learning experiences–closing learning gaps, teaching creative thinking and problem solving, and helping students succeed in school, in their first jobs, and in life, while also supporting and uplifting the artist within!

Give to Center for Arts-Inspired Learning Fund

Give to the Marsha Dobrzynski Tribute Fund

Cleveland Hungarian Development Panel

The Cleveland Hungarian Development Panel provides assistance and the exchange of ideas for Hungarian projects in the areas of commerce, education, health and human services.

Give to Cleveland Hungarian Development Panel

Cleveland Leadership Center

The mission of Cleveland Leadership Center is to build a continuum of civic leaders committed to our community’s excellence by serving as a catalyst for civic engagement. We pursue this by developing Cleveland’s leadership through transformative experiences that connect, inspire and challenge individuals to make a positive community impact.

Give to Cleveland Leadership Center

Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Foundation

The Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Foundation (CMBF) is the charitable fundraising arm of the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association. We raise critical dollars for the CMBA’s nationally recognized “Lawyers Giving Back” public outreach and pro bono legal service programs which are focused in three areas: education and workforce development; access to justice; and nonprofits & the arts.

Give to Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Foundation

College Club of Cleveland Foundation

The College Club of Cleveland is home to a community of lifelong learners who strive to understand ourselves, our community, and our world.

Give to College Club of Cleveland Foundation

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority’s mission is to promote academic excellence and provide assistance to those in need.

Give to Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Early Childhood Enrichment Center, Inc.

Early Childhood Enrichment Center, Inc. has been providing quality early care and education for over 40 years to children ages 18 mos. to kindergarten entry in an inclusive and diverse setting.

Give to Early Childhood Enrichment Center, Inc.

The Educational Gift Fund of the Woman’s Club of Chagrin Valley

The Educational Gift Fund of the Woman’s Club of Chagrin Valley’s mission is to give scholarships to senior students graduating from the five Chagrin Valley area high schools.

Give to The Educational Gift Fund of the Woman’s Club of Chagrin Valley

Esperanza Inc.

The mission of Esperanza is to improve the academic achievement of Hispanics in Greater Cleveland by supporting students to graduate high school and promoting post-secondary educational attainment.

Give to Esperanza Inc.

Euclid Public Library Foundation

Euclid Public Library Foundation is an endowment fund established to support and enhance the services, activities and facilities of the Euclid Public Library.

Give to Euclid Public Library Foundation

Euclid Schools Foundation

The Euclid Schools Foundation is a non-profit organization providing private financial support for the benefit of the Euclid City Schools and its students.

Give to Euclid Schools Foundation

Family Connections of Northeast Ohio

The mission of Family Connections is to strengthen families with young children through early literacy, parenting support and school readiness activities.

Give to Family Connections of Northeast Ohio

Foundation Center

Foundation Center’s mission is to strengthen the social sector by advancing knowledge about philanthropy in the U.S. and around the world.

Give to Foundation Center

Friendly Inn Settlement, Inc.

Friendly Inn Settlements’ mission is to improve the quality of life by cultivating, planting and nurturing individuals, families, and communities to participate in the world economy.

Give to Friendly Inn Settlement, Inc.

Friends of Breakthrough Schools 

The mission of Breakthrough Schools is to develop a growing network of distinctive school options that prepare Cleveland area students for success in life.

Give to Friends of Breakthrough Schools

Friends of Cleveland Heights-University Heights Library

Friends of Cleveland Heights-University Heights Library’s mission is to promote interest in, and appreciation and use of the Heights Libraries.

Give to Cleveland Heights-University Heights Library

Friends of Mentor Public Library

The Friends of the Library (FOL) raise funds to support library programs and services, such as summer reading programs, author visits, teen programs, and more.

Give to the Friends of Mentor Public Library

Harvey Alumni Association

The purpose of the Harvey Alumni Association is to support and provide extended educational opportunities for students at Thomas W. Harvey High School. These shall include: scholarships, creative opportunities, unique educational experiences, and recognition of achievement.

Give to Harvey Alumni Association

Hawken School

Hawken’s mission is to develop character and intellect and forward-focused preparation for the real world.

Give to Hawken School

Heights Schools Foundation

The Heights Schools Foundation supports Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School System. The mission is to engage alumni and community members to celebrate our past, embrace our present and support our future. We fund top strategic initiatives that help students thrive.

Give to Heights Schools Foundation

IPM (International Partners in Mission)

IPM works across borders of faith, culture, and economic circumstance with children, women, and youth to create partnerships that build justice, peace, and hope.

Give to IPM (International Partners in Mission)

Kirtland Kiwanis Foundation

The Kirtland Kiwanis Foundation provides funding for educational and charitable needs, particularly for the youth in the Kirtland area and surrounding community. The foundation works in conjunction with the Kiwanis Club of Kirtland in identifying the specific educational and charitable needs of the Kirtland Community, “One Child at a Time.” The Dolovacky-Bradac Educational Fund within the Kirtland Kiwanis Foundation provides funding for scholarships and educational needs of the students in the Kirtland Local School District.

Give to the Kirtland Kiwanis Foundation – Dolovacky-Bradac Educational Fund

Lake/Geauga Educational Assistance Foundation (LEAF)

LEAF touches the lives of students in Lake and Geauga counties by providing free services to residents that include: advising services at local high schools, informational sessions, FAFSA filing assistance, student loan counseling, administering scholarships, college application and testing fee waivers to qualified students, and career advising.

Give to Lake/Geauga Educational Assistance Foundation

Leadership Geauga County

Leadership Geauga County provides access to engaging, relevant and diverse programming for established leaders and future leaders in Geauga County. The program offerings bring personal and professional growth and serve as pathways to strengthen participants, their organizations and the Geauga County community as a whole.

Give to Leadership Geauga County

The Literacy Cooperative

The Literacy Cooperative’s mission is to work to advance literacy by raising awareness of the issue, promoting effective public advocacy, and fostering a delivery system with maximum impact on the region.

Give to Literacy Cooperative

National Black MBA Association, Cleveland Chapter

National Black MBA Association’s mission is to increase the number as well as the diversity of successful Blacks in the business community by providing innovative programs to stimulate intellectual and economic growth.

Give to National Black MBA Association, Cleveland Chapter

Nature Center at Shaker Lakes

The mission of the Nature Center at Shaker Lakes is to conserve a natural area, connect people with nature, and inspire environmental stewardship.

Give to Nature Center at Shaker Lakes

Northern Ohio International Dyslexia Association

We are an active and passionate board who strives to meet our community’s needs in understanding dyslexia and the appropriate instruction in Structured Literacy and accommodations all struggling readers need in order to acquire the literacy skills to become successful and productive members of society. Structured Literacy is the most effective way to teach reading, improving the literacy outcomes of all learners, and is crucial for the up to 1 in 5 learners with dyslexia and other language-based disorders.

Give to Northern Ohio International Dyslexia Association Fund

Polonia Foundation of Ohio, Inc.

The purpose of Polonia Foundation of Ohio, Inc. is to provide assistance to those of Polish descent or those who are members of a Polish organization in advancing their education through scholarship, grants, fellowships and other educational projects. The foundation also supports Polish educational programs and events of historical significance, such as the commemoration of General Pulaski and General Kosciuszko.

Give to Polonia Foundation of Ohio, Inc.

Reaching Heights

Reaching Heights mobilizes community resources to foster highly valued public schools that provide all Cleveland Heights-University Heights students a successful education.

Give to Reaching Heights

Shaker Heights Public Library

Shaker Heights Public Library strengthens our diverse community and transforms lives by bringing together people, information, and ideas.

Give to Shaker Heights Public Library

Shaker Schools Foundation

The Shaker Schools Foundation supports all Shaker Heights City Schools students by cultivating community resources to advance equitable access and enhance opportunities in and out of the classroom.

Give to Shaker Schools Foundation

South Suburban Montessori Association

The mission of South Suburban Montessori School is to free each child’s potential through Montessori philosophy and principles while guided by our values of compassion, authenticity, respect and excellence.

Give to South Suburban Montessori Association

Spirit of Geneva Scholarship Fund

Supporting the students of Geneva Area City Schools through the programs and activities of the Geneva Academic Boosters Club.

Give to Spirit of Geneva Scholarship Fund

The Union of Poles Boosters and Sports Committee Inc.

The Union of Poles provides assistance to its members by offering college scholarships, sports grants, and educational grants to its younger members. The Children’s Christmas parties and family picnic are annual affairs.

Give to The Union of Poles Boosters and Sports Committee Inc.

United Macedonian Diaspora

The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) is a leading international non-governmental organization promoting the interests and needs of Macedonians and Macedonian communities worldwide.

Give to United Macedonian Diaspora

Wildcat Community Foundation

The mission of the Wildcat Community Foundation is to support the educational needs of the Mayfield City School District.

Give to Wildcat Community Foundation Fund

Zeta Omega Scholarship Fund, Inc.

Give to Zeta Omega Scholarship Fund, Inc.

Health & Human Services

Adoption Network Cleveland

Adoption Network Cleveland connects and empowers individuals, organizations and communities impacted by adoption and foster care, and we provide a source of healing for those in need.

Give to Adoption Network Cleveland

American Society of Andrology

ASA’s mission is to advance discovery and education in Andrology, the study of male reproductive health,  through promoting cross-fertilization and integration of knowledge and expertise in the basic and clinical sciences.

Give to American Society of Andrology

Association of Indian Physicians of Northern Ohio

AIPNO’s mission is to use the resources and knowledge of AIPNO for the health and welfare of the community we serve.

Give to Association of Indian Physicians of Northern Ohio

Birthing Beautiful Communities

Birthing Beautiful Communities’ mission is to address and improve the systemic and community structures that lead to poor birth outcomes through culture, education, advocacy, support and engagement.

Give to Birthing Beautiful Communities

Blossom Hill Foundation

Blossom Hill provides loving homes and personalized care to adults with developmental disabilities who are incapable of living unassisted.

Give to Blossom Hill

The Carter Nedley Foundation

The Carter Nedley Foundation serves families in Northeast Ohio impacted by childhood cancer by providing toys, entertainment and modest financial support to improve quality of life, and to support the caregivers of those children by providing enhancements to the patient experience.

Give to The Carter Nedley Foundation Fund

The Center for Community Solutions

The Center for Community Solutions provides strategic leadership and organizes community resources to improve health, social, and economic conditions through applied demographic research, nonpartisan policy analysis and advocacy, and communication.

Give to The Center for Community Solutions

Centers for Dialysis Care

Centers for Dialysis Care is a leader in providing patient-centered quality care to those with kidney disease.

Give to Centers for Dialysis Care Fund

Central American Medical Outreach

Our mission as a humanitarian organization is to improve the quality of life of people in Central America by strengthening health care systems and promoting sustainable community development.

Give to Central American Medical Outreach

Circle Health Services

Circle Health Services’ mission is to address vital community health needs by providing high quality health care and related services to individuals and families, regardless of their ability to pay, and advocate for policy changes that promote greater access for the underserved and improved community-wide health and wellness outcomes.

Give to Circle Health Services

Cleveland Eye Bank Foundation

Cleveland Eye Bank Foundation raises funds for research to preserve and restore sight, and supports and delivers community and professional education.

Give to Cleveland Eye Bank Foundation

Cleveland Rape Crisis Center

Cleveland Rape Crisis Center supports survivors of rape and sexual abuse, promotes healing and prevention and advocates for social change.

Give to Cleveland Rape Crisis Center

Community Resource Services

Community Resource Services is a responsive, community-based organization whose mission is to diminish the effects of poverty in Avon and Avon Lake. We provide basic needs assistance and individualized resource and referral services in a compassionate and confidential manner.

Give to Community Resource Services

Cornerstone of Hope

Cornerstone of Hope is dedicated to providing support, education and hope for the grieving. Guided by Christian values of compassion and service, we welcome and serve all seeking support.

Give to The Cornerstone of Hope Grief Support Endowment Fund

Creative Living for Life, Inc.

Supporting the programming of Medina Creative Housing, an organization that promotes the development and ongoing management of permanent, affordable housing and quality services for persons with disabilities living in Medina County.

Give to Creative Living for Life, Inc.


Crossroads provides a continuum of quality life-changing behavioral health services for children, adolescents, young adults, and families, including specialized treatment for chemically dependent adolescents.

Give to Crossroads

DDC Clinic

DDC Clinic is a unique collaboration of the Amish and non-Amish communities. Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for people with special needs caused by rare genetic disorders. Our in-house clinical genetics lab provides rapid, high quality and affordable testing. We conduct patient centered research – always seeking faster diagnosis, better understanding and improved treatment for our patients.

Give to DDC Clinic Fund

Deepwood Foundation

Empower individuals with developmental disabilities, enrich the quality of their lives by providing support, advocacy, grants and resources, and promote community awareness. 

Give to Deepwood Foundation

Domestic Violence & Child Advocacy Center

The mission of Domestic Violence & Child Advocacy Center is to empower individuals, educate the community and advocate for justice to end domestic violence and child abuse.

Give to Domestic Violence & Child Advocacy Center

Down Syndrome Association of Northeast Ohio

To provide support, education, and advocacy for people with Down syndrome, their families and communities.

Give to Down Syndrome Association of Northeast Ohio 

East End Neighborhood House

East End Neighborhood House’s mission is to provide the families of our community culturally diverse and compassionate social services, education and activities so that each member—from child to senior—can become self sufficient and thrive.

Give to East End Neighborhood House, Inc. Endowment Fund

Euclid Hunger Center

The Euclid Hunger Center is dedicated to offering a positive, compassionate environment to provide food assistance to eligible Euclid residents.

Give to Euclid Hunger Center

Family Planning Association of Northeast Ohio, Inc.

Family Planning Association of Northeast Ohio dedicates itself to reproductive health care services. We provide informed decision making and personal choice about parenthood and sexuality in a confidential compassionate manner.

Give to Family Planning Association of Northeast Ohio Fund

Friends of DBA

Our mission is to generate funds for Diamond Blackfan Anemia (DBA) Research, as well as to provide DBA families with education when necessary and to financially assist DBA families in crisis.  

Give to Friends of DBA Fund

Front Steps Housing and Services

Front Steps’ mission is to provide individuals and families who are mentally disabled and/or economically disadvantaged in Cuyahoga County with permanent supportive housing and lifelong solutions to increase self-sufficiency and independence.

Give to Transitional Housing Inc. Fund

Goodwill Industries of Greater Cleveland & East Central Ohio, Inc.

The Goodwill Industries of Greater Cleveland empowers people on their journey to independence through the sale of goods, which supports employment programs and family services.

Give to Goodwill Industries

Greater Cleveland Food Bank

The Greater Cleveland Food Bank is the largest hunger relief organization in Northeast Ohio, having made possible 50 million meals in 2016 to hungry people in Cuyahoga, Ashtabula, Geauga, Lake, Ashland and Richland counties. The Food Bank’s mission is to ensure that everyone in our communities has the nutritious food they need every day. We do this through both food distribution and SNAP outreach efforts.

Give to Greater Cleveland Food Bank

Hanna Perkins Center for Child Development

Early childhood experiences shape a person’s entire life. To foster the emotional well-being of children and their families and to help them master life’s challenges, the Hanna Perkins Center for Child Development promotes positive early learning experiences through educational and therapeutic services for children and parents, training and support for professionals and community-wide collaborations.

Give to Hanna Perkins School Endowment Fund

Give to Hanna Perkins Center – The Elaine Hadden Endowment Fund

Hattie Larlham Foundation

Because it believes life is sacred, Hattie Larlham enhances the quality of life for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families through our commitment to comfort, joy and achievement.

Give to Hattie Larlham Foundation

Healthnetwork Foundation

Healthnetwork Foundation is the only nonprofit whose mission is to improve medicine for all by connecting CEOs and business leaders with leading hospitals to provide the best access to world class care and increase philanthropic funding at its hospitals.

Give to Healthnetwork Foundation

HELP Foundation, Inc.

HELP Foundation empowers individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities through residential, day support, vocational, and summer education programs to choose services and opportunities as respected and valued members of the community.

Give to HELP Foundation, Inc.


Hopewell provides an opportunity for adults with serious mental illness to experience a self-reliant and satisfying life through participation in a vibrant residential therapeutic farm community.

Give to Hopewell

Hunger Network of Greater Cleveland

Hunger Network’s mission is to reduce hunger by providing food and linkages to other vital services for hungry people, especially children and families, and by actively participating in a coordinated community response to people in need. Through their generosity, the Sipra and Gopal Saha Fund was created to provide sustaining support for the Hunger Network’s programs and services.

Give to Hunger Network of Greater Cleveland

Give to The Sipra and Gopal Saha Fund of the Hunger Network

J. Robert Gladden Orthopaedic Society (JRGOS)

The mission of the J. Robert Gladden Orthopaedic Society (JRGOS) is to increase diversity within the orthopaedic profession and promote the highest quality musculoskeletal care for all people. The JRGOS is a pluralist multicultural organization designed to meet the needs of under-represented minority orthopaedic surgeons and to advance the ideals of excellent musculoskeletal care for all patients with particular attention to underserved groups.

Give to J. Robert Gladden Orthopaedic Society

Lake-Geauga Habitat for Humanity

Lake-Geauga Habitat for Humanity’s mission is seeking to put God’s love into action. Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.

Give to Lake-Geauga Habitat for Humanity

Lake-Geauga Recovery Centers

The mission of Lake-Geauga Recovery Centers is to promote lifelong recovery from addiction through education, prevention, and treatment regardless of ability to pay.

Give to Lake-Geauga Recovery Centers

The Lakewood Foundation

The Lakewood Foundation supports and advises the City of Lakewood Department of Human Services and its collaborators by providing advocacy and fiscal management of programs, grants and charitable contributions that enhance the lives of Lakewood residents.

Give to The Lakewood Foundation

The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland

Legal Aid’s mission is to secure justice, equity, and access to opportunity for and with people who have low incomes through passionate legal representation and advocacy for systemic change. This mission centers on our vision for Northeast Ohio to be a place in which all people experience dignity and justice, free from poverty and oppression.

Give to Legal Aid’s Extend Justice Fund

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community Center of Greater Cleveland

The LGBT Community Center of Greater Cleveland’s mission is to enrich the lives of the diverse LGBTQ community through advocacy, support, education, and celebration.

Give to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community Center of Greater Cleveland


Lifebanc is working to save and heal lives through organ, eye and tissue donation for transplantation.

Give to Lifebanc

Lifeline, Inc.

Lifeline leads the fight against poverty by empowering community members to achieve self-sufficiency and by improving the quality of life for all residents.

Give to Lifeline, Inc.

Linking Employment, Abilities and Potential (LEAP)

LEAP is a non-profit organization founded in 1981 by people with disabilities, to advance a society of equal opportunity for all persons, regardless of disability. LEAP provides information, education, training, employment, recreation and independent living services to people with disabilities and promotes social change to improve their quality of life.   

Give to Linking Employment, Abilities and Potential (LEAP)-Doris Brennan LEAP Fund

Long Term Care Ombudsman

The Long Term Care Ombudsman (LTCO) program is the “voice” for persons who live in long term care facilities, which include nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and adult care homes, and for persons who receive home and community-based long term care services (such as Ohio Medicaid programs – PASSPORT, HOME Choice, home health and hospice care services, Residential State Supplement, and PACE programs). LTCO’s service area is Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, and Medina counties.

Give to Long Term Care Ombudsman

Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry

LMM’s mission is to promote shalom (peace, well-being) and justice (right relationships) through a Christian ministry of service and advocacy with those who are oppressed, forgotten and hurting.

Give to Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry

Magnolia Clubhouse

Magnolia Clubhouse is a vital community of growth, hope and opportunity. Our mission is to ensure that people who live with mental illness are respected co-workers, neighbors and friends.

Give to Magnolia Clubhouse

Make-A-Wish Foundation of Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana

Make-A-Wish serves a unique and vital role in helping strengthen and empower children battling critical illness.

Give to Make-A-Wish – Northeast Ohio Fund

Maple Leaf Community Residences

Providing quality, safe, affordable housing to people with disabilities since 1991.

Give to Maple Leaf Community Residences

MedWish International

MedWish International is a Cleveland based not-for-profit organization that saves lives and the environment by repurposing discarded medical supplies and equipment to provide humanitarian aid in developing countries.

Give to MedWish International


Medworks provides 100% free medical, dental, vision, and mental health services, via mobile and telehealth clinics, to uninsured and underinsured neighbors across Northeast Ohio. Volunteerism is key—Medworks engages hundreds of local healthcare professionals to provide this care. Medworks Navigators connect patients with health insurance, medical homes, and other needed social services to place people on a path to sustained health.
Give to Medworks

Merrick House

Merrick House is a thriving neighborhood center that engages and educates to empower people in Tremont and the surrounding areas.

Give to Merrick House

Milestones Autism Resources

Milestones Autism Resources improves the lives of individuals on the autism spectrum by educating, coaching and connecting the autism community with evidence-based information.

Give to Milestones Autism Resources

NAMI Greater Cleveland

NAMI Greater Cleveland is dedicated to empowering persons affected by mental illness and their family members to achieve a better quality of life by providing them with support, education, referral and advocacy.

Give to NAMI Greater Cleveland

New Avenues to Independence

New Avenues to Independence aspires to provide opportunities for people with disabilities and special needs to become more independent and productive members of society by offering the highest quality support services and developing innovative and inclusive programs.

Give to New Avenues to Independence

New Directions

New Directions provides quality life-changing treatment to substance abusing adolescents, young adults and their families dealing with emotional, behavioral or psychiatric needs. New Directions provides an integrated approach to treatment, ensuring any mental health challenges and substance abuse disorders are dealt with simultaneously.

Give to New Directions

North Coast Community Homes

North Coast Community Homes enhances the lives of people with developmental disabilities, severe mental illness, and other disabilities by developing and maintaining safe, comfortable, and affordable homes of high quality.

Give to North Coast Community Homes Endowment Fund

Northeast Ohio Neighborhood Health Services

NEON’s mission is to provide quality, personalized and family-oriented comprehensive health care services to Northeast Ohio residents at reasonable cost, with professional, dedicated employees, while employing the most current health care practices that are responsive to community needs for prevention and treatment of disease.

Give to Northeast Ohio Neighborhood Health Services

The Ohio Affiliate of Prevent Blindness

The Ohio Affiliate of Prevent Blindness’ mission is to prevent blindness and preserve sight.

Give to The Ohio Affiliate of Prevent Blindness

One Health Organization

The mission of One Health Organization is to keep the dogs and cats of Northeast Ohio healthy with their humans at home.

Give to One Health Organization

Pathway Caring for Children

Pathway Caring for Children’s mission is to help children and families achieve the possibilities of their lives through foster care, adoption, and counseling.

Give to Pathway Caring for Children


The mission of the Galen Foundation is to demystify cancer through information and education.

Give to PeopleBeatingCancer

The Phillis Wheatley Association of Cleveland

The Mission of the Phillis Wheatley Association is to strengthen and empower individuals and families to succeed and build a thriving community free from poverty by creating hope, opportunity, and action.

Give to The Phillis Wheatley Association Endowment Fund

Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio  

Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio protects, promote and provides empowered health care for generations of women, men, and families across Ohio.

Give to Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio

Ravenwood Mental Health Center

Ravenwood Health provides comprehensive, community-based mental health services to residents of Geauga County and surrounding communities in order to maximize the autonomy, independence and quality of life for recipients of our services.

Give to Ravenwood Mental Health Center

Recovery Resources

Recovery Resources helps people triumph over mental illness, alcoholism, drug and other addictions.

Give to Recovery Resources Fund

The Rec2Connect Foundation

To utilize fully inclusive recreation therapy programs to connect people with and without disabilities and their families to community recreation, wellness, and lifelong leisure skills.

Give to Rec2Connect

Red Tulip Project of Geauga

The mission of the Red Tulip Project of Geauga is to provide a sober, safe and “smart” environment for women on a path to independent living in Geauga County.

Give to Red Tulip Project of Geauga Fund

Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northeast Ohio, Inc.

Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northeast Ohio, Inc.  supports families whose children receive treatment at area medical centers by providing a home-like environment and essential resources and services.

Give to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northeast Ohio, Inc. Endowment Fund

The Salvation Army – Greater Cleveland Area Services

The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.

Give to The Salvation Army – Greater Cleveland Area Services

Scarborough House, Inc.

The Scarborough House is a level II monitored Recovery Residence. Offers 12-step recovery, education and vocational support in a supportive environment for women as they gain a strong foundation in recovery among other services.

Give to Scarborough House, Inc.

Shoes and Clothes for Kids

Shoes and Clothes for Kids’ mission is to improve K-8 school attendance by eliminating lack of appropriate school uniforms, clothing, shoes and supplies as barriers for needy students. 

Give to Shoes and Clothes for Kids

Stella Maris

Stella Maris’ mission is to provide quality chemical dependency treatment and mental health services to our community regardless of race, sex, religion or ability to pay.

Give to Stella Maris

Stewart’s Caring Place

To provide a relaxed and caring environment for those individuals and families on the cancer journey for programs and services at no cost.

Give to Stewart’s Caring Place

Transplant House of Cleveland

Transplant House of Cleveland provides affordable, temporary housing and a welcoming, supportive community to organ transplant patients and their families. Our vision is to ensure that no one is alone on the journey.

Give to the Transplant House of Cleveland Fund

Ursuline Piazza

Educating and supporting HIV-positive people to live better, healthier lives. 

Give to Ursuline Piazza Fund

Volunteers of America Greater Ohio

Volunteers of America Greater Ohio, a faith based organization, reaches and uplifts all people. Volunteers of America builds a stronger, vibrant community by helping individuals, youth, families and veterans achieve their full potential. Volunteers of America measures its success in positive change in the lives of individuals and communities we serve.

Give to Volunteers of America Greater Ohio

Womankind Inc.

Womankind provides free pre-natal care and a full range of support services to insure that no woman faces a pregnancy without hope and help.

Give to Womankind Inc.

WomenSafe, Inc.

WomenSafe is a non-profit organization that provides free support to anyone experiencing violence in their home or dating relationship. This includes comprehensive programming for adults and children including counseling, art therapy, court advocacy, hospital advocacy, outreach services and aftercare. WomenSafe offers all services completely free of charge.

Give to WomenSafe, Inc.

Zonta Club of Cleveland

Zonta Club of Cleveland is an affiliate of Zonta International. Zonta International is a leading global organization of individuals working together to build a better world for women and girls.

Give to Zonta Club

History & Preservation

Bedford Historical Society

The Bedford Historical Society was founded in 1955 to collect, preserve and interpret the history of the original Bedford Township, whose communities include: Bedford, Bedford Heights, Maple Heights, Oakwood Village and Walton Hills, as well as portions of the Western Reserve. We serve to enrich the lives of our community members and those individuals interested in history through programming, exhibits and educational outreach to member communities and institutions.

Give to Bedford Historical Society

Canalway Partners

The mission of Canalway Partners is to create a park system that follows the route of the historic Ohio Canal from Cleveland through Zoar to Dover/New Philadelphia by promoting historic preservation and interpretation, expanded recreational opportunities and sensitive economic developments.

Give to Canalway Partners

Cleveland Grays Armory Museum

The Cleveland Grays strive to preserve their historic Armory Museum, advance the military heritage of Greater Cleveland through public awareness and education programs, and support the men and women of our armed forces.

Give to Cleveland Grays Armory Museum

The Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad

Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad’s mission is to provide educational, recreational and heritage railroad experiences and provide alternative transportation to and within Cuyahoga Valley National Park and the Ohio & Erie Canalway.

Give to The Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad

Dunham Tavern Museum

Dunham Tavern Museum’s mission is to preserve, develop, and share historic Dunham Tavern and its campus as an educational and cultural resource.

Give to the Dunham Tavern Museum

East Cleveland Township Cemetery Foundation

The mission of East Cleveland Township Cemetery Foundation is to provide educational and patriotic events for the community pertaining to its historic heritage in an urban park setting that demonstrates the honor and respect due the early pioneer settlers of the Western Reserve.

Give to East Cleveland Township Cemetery Foundation

Geauga County Historical Society

The Geauga County Historical Society ensures that the History of Geauga County is preserved for education and appreciation of present and future generations. 

Give to Geauga County Historical Society

Intermuseum Conservation Association

ICA provides professional, high quality, and cost effective art conservation services.

Give to Intermuseum Conservation Association

Lake County Historical Society

The Lake County Historical Society collects, preserves and interprets the history of Lake County, Ohio.

Give to Lake County Historical Society

The Lakewood Historical Society

The mission of the Lakewood Historical Society is to enhance the quality of life in Lakewood by offering educational programs for all ages; providing stewardship of artifacts and buildings; and advocating for our historic community.

Give to The Lakewood Historical Society

Muktabodha Indological Research Institute

The Muktabodha Indological Research Institute (MIRI) is an educational foundation dedicated to preserving the philosophical and scriptural texts of classical India and the wisdom they contain. MIRI uses digital information technology to preserve ancient Sanskrit texts, and to make them accessible, free of charge, to Indological scholars and students worldwide – now and for generations to come. In addition, MIRI seeks to support scholars to translate key texts from its collections into English, so that this knowledge will be more broadly accessible to lay audiences.

Give to the Muktabodha Indological Research Institute 

Siegel & Shuster Society

The Siegel & Shuster Society is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to commemorating and celebrating the creation of Superman in Cleveland, Ohio by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. The Society will, in a manner consistent with the rights of DC Comics, create events and activities which celebrate Cleveland as the “Birthplace of Superman” and the importance of Superman to our community today and in the future. The Society will also work with other organizations that are celebrating Superman in a manner consistent with the goals of the Society. 

Give to Siegel & Shuster Society Endowment Fund

USS Cleveland Legacy Foundation

To send the USS Cleveland to the Fleet with the greatest start possible, to support the ship and crew throughout her service life, and to welcome her home to Cleveland at the completion of her Naval Service.

Give to the USS Cleveland Legacy Foundation

Western Reserve Historical Society

The mission of the Western Reserve Historical Society is to inspire people to discover the American experience by exploring the tangible history of Northeast Ohio.

Give to Western Reserve Historical Society

Neighborhoods, Community & Economic Development

Bay Village Foundation

The Bay Village Foundation is dedicated to preserving the quality of life in Bay Village, Ohio, using the talents and resources of the private citizens and non-government funding. The Bay Village Foundation exists to provide support for projects and programs fostering Bay Village’s historical, cultural, social, and educational heritage. Through The Bay Village Foundation, its citizens and businesses are encouraged to perpetuate the traditions that make Bay Village a special place to live and work.

Give to Bay Village Foundation

Bellaire-Puritas Development Corporation

An agency dedicated to strengthening the neighborhood, local economic growth, and fostering individual and family resilience.

Give to Bellaire-Puritas Development Corporation

Burton-Middlefield Rotary Club

Rotary members believe that we have a shared responsibility to take action on our world’s most persistent issues. Our 35,000+ clubs work together to: promote peace; fight disease; provide clean water, sanitation, and hygiene; save mothers and children; support education; and grow local economies.

Give to Burton-Middlefield Rotary Club

Cleveland Metroparks

Cleveland Metroparks will conserve significant natural resources and enhance people’s lives by integrating high-quality outdoor education, recreation and zoological opportunities into people’s lives.

Give to Cleveland Metroparks

Cuyahoga Land Bank Charities

Cuyahoga Land Bank Charities’ mission is to improve the living conditions of the underserved and overlooked populations of Cuyahoga County. We provide life-changing housing opportunities to people who desperately need them, including women who are escaping domestic violence and trafficking, adults who have aged out of foster care, single mothers who are transitioning from homelessness, disabled veterans, and other individuals who are in need. Cuyahoga Land Bank Charities offers grants, donated homes, and technical assistance to promote affordable housing, equitable wealth building and economic stability, education, and family stability through homeownership.

Give to Cuyahoga Land Bank Charities

Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority

The mission of the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority is to be the leader in providing safe quality affordable housing for individuals and families of Cuyahoga County.

Give to Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority

Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization

Through collaboration, Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization guides the physical, economic and social development of the Detroit Shoreway neighborhood toward an improved quality of life.

Give to Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization

Downtown Cleveland Alliance

Downtown Cleveland Alliance is the only nonprofit solely dedicated to building a dynamic downtown. We’ve committed to making Downtown Cleveland the the most compelling place to live, work and play. 

Give to Downtown Cleveland Alliance

Fairfax Renaissance Development Corporation

FRDC strengthens neighborhoods in Northeast Ohio through comprehensive community development.

Give to Fairfax Renaissance Development Corporation

Famicos Foundation

The mission of the Famicos Foundation is to improve the quality of life in Greater Cleveland through neighborhood revitalization, affordable housing and integrated social services.

Give to Famicos Foundation Fund

Foundation for Geauga Parks

The Foundation for Geauga Parks was founded in 1990 to support the unique cultural, historic and natural character of the parks in Geauga County.

Give to the Foundation for Geauga Parks

Global Cleveland

Global Cleveland is a non-profit organization dedicated to growing Northeast Ohio’s economy by welcoming and connecting international people to opportunities and fostering a more inviting community for those seeking a place to call home.

Give to Global Cleveland

Greater Cleveland Sports Commission

The mission of the Greater Cleveland Sports Commission is to enhance the economy, image, and quality of life in Greater Cleveland by attracting and creating significant events and activities.

Give to Greater Cleveland Sports Commission

Historic Gateway Neighborhood

To promote the continuing re-development of a unique, historic district in downtown Cleveland into a vibrant commercial, entertainment, and residential neighborhood.

Give to Historic Gateway Neighborhood

JumpStart Inc.

JumpStart’s mission is to unlock the full potential of diverse and ambitious entrepreneurs to economically transform entire communities. 

Give to JumpStart Inc.


LakewoodAlive is a community-centered non-profit organization that seeks to foster and sustain vibrant neighborhoods in Lakewood.

Give to LakewoodAlive

League of Women Voters of Greater Cleveland

The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

Give to League of Women Voters of Greater Cleveland

MidTown Cleveland

MidTown Cleveland leverages its diverse assets to develop a dynamic neighborhood that unites Cleveland’s downtown and innovation districts.

Give to MidTown Cleveland

Ohio City Incorporated

We lead the development of Ohio City by serving a diverse community of committed people, driving new investments in and preserving the history of a unique place, and promoting an authentic urban neighborhood.

Give to Ohio City Incorporated

Painesville Community Improvement Corporation

The Painesville Community Improvement Corporation is dedicated to being active in the physical, social and economic revitalization of Painesville and those communities surrounding it.

Give to Painesville Community Improvement Corporation Endowment Fund

Tremont West Development Corporation

TWDC serves Tremont by organizing an inclusive community, building a unified neighborhood, and promoting a national destination.

Give to Tremont West Development Corporation

Union Miles Development Corporation

UMDC’s mission is to improve the quality of life within the Union Miles service area by providing community engagement, housing, and economic development.

Give to Union Miles Development Corporation

University Circle, Inc.

UCI is the development, service, and advocacy organization responsible for the growth of University Circle as a premier urban district and world-class center of innovation in health care, education, and arts and culture.

Give to University Circle, Inc.

Warehouse District Inc. – Historic Warehouse District Development Corporation

The mission of the Warehouse District Inc. – Historic Warehouse District Development Corporation is to champion and inspire opportunities for growth in the Warehouse District.

Give to Warehouse District Inc. – Historic Warehouse District Development Corporation

Western Reserve Junior Service League

Western Reserve Junior Service League promotes the enrichment of educational, cultural and charitable service organizations in Lake County and surrounding communities.

Give to Western Reserve Junior Service League

Western Reserve Land Conservancy

Western Reserve Land Conservancy provides the people of our region with essential natural assets – public green space, mature forests, working farms, clean streams – through land conservation and restoration.

Give to Western Reserve Land Conservancy

Westlake Porter Public Library Foundation

We commit to provide an inclusive environment that fosters learning, community growth, and connection in an ever-changing world.

Give to Westlake Porter Public Library Foundation Endowment Fund

Environment & Recreation

Cleveland Championship 2000

Sponsorship and promotion of amateur figure skating through hosting US and other championships in Cleveland and through educational and other promotional activities.

Give to Cleveland Championship 2000

Cleveland Rovers Rugby Football Club

The mission of the Rovers is to promote the growth of the sport of rugby union through participation and facilitation of matches in accordance with USA Rugby as well as local union rules, as well as community activities pertinent to or raising the stature or public awareness of rugby union or the Rovers. 

Give to Cleveland Rovers Rugby Football Fund

Conservancy for Cuyahoga Valley National Park

Conservancy for CVNP’s mission is to engage public support and provide services to enhance public use and enjoyment of the park.

Give to Conservancy for Cuyahoga Valley National Park

Friends of Medina County Parks, Inc.

Since 1972, Friends of the Medina County Parks, Inc., a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, has been dedicated to supporting the mission of the park district: Medina County Park District seeks to enhance the quality of all life through education, conservation, and the protection of natural resources. Funds raised by the Friends through membership and other activities assist the park district in many ways including sponsorship for park programs, funds for land acquisition, and financial assistance for park projects.

Give to Friends of Medina County Parks, Inc.

The Great Geauga County Fair Foundation

The Great Geauga County Fair is Ohio’s oldest continuous county fair and one of the oldest existing agricultural fairs in the nation.

Give to The Great Geauga County Fair Foundation Fund

Green Ribbon Coalition

Green Ribbon Coalition’s mission is to advocate for greater public access to greater open green space on Greater Cleveland’s lakefront, and a connected “ribbon of green” across Ohio’s Lake Erie shoreline.

Give to Green Ribbon Coalition

Ohio Environmental Council

To secure healthy air, land, and water for all who call Ohio home.

Give to the Ohio Environmental Council


Antioch Baptist Church

Antioch Baptist Church’s mission is to lead others to a relationship with Jesus the Christ.

Give to Antioch Baptist Church

Bethany Baptist Church

In support of the mission and activities of Bethany Baptist Church.

Give to Bethany Baptist Church Endowment Fund

Building Hope in the City

Building Hope in the City is restoring the city to God by developing and linking people, communities and congregations.

Give to Building Hope in the City

Chaplain Partnership

Being empowered by the Gospel, the mission of Chaplain Partnership is to bring the promise of hope, healing, wholeness and balance to persons experiencing the blessings and brokenness of human life. Chaplain Partnership is a unique service agency providing comprehensive spiritual care services, primarily in hospitals and long-term care settings. We are one of only a few similar agencies in the country providing this kind of service, and the only one in Ohio.

Give to Chaplain Partnership Fund

Cleveland Church of Christ Citadel of Hope Ministries

The Cleveland Church of Christ Citadel of Hope Ministries seeks to create a haven that inspires hope and fosters spiritual, social, economic revitalization and stability within the Glenville community and the Greater Cleveland area, thereby improving the quality of life for church members and area residents.

Give to Cleveland Church of Christ Endowment Fund

East View United Church of Christ

The United Church of Christ (UCC) is a distinct and diverse community of Christians that come together as one church to join faith and action. With over 5,000 churches and nearly one million members across the U.S., the UCC serves God in the co-creation of a just and sustainable world. The UCC is a church of firsts, a church of extravagant welcome, and a church where “…they may all be one” (John 17:21).

Give to East View United Church of Christ

Faith Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America

Faith Cumberland Presbyterian Church has ministries to help individuals build relationships, feel a sense of belonging, and create a community pleasing to Our Heavenly Father.

Give to Faith Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America Endowment Fund

Forest Hill Presbyterian Church

Forest Hill Church’s mission is discovering God’s call, celebrating the Spirit’s presence, and witnessing to Christ’s transformative power!

Give to Forest Hill Presbyterian Church

Lee Memorial Endowment Incorporated

In support of the Lee Memorial AME Church.

Give to Lee Memorial Endowment Incorporated

Olivet Institutional Baptist Church

Olivet is a Christian community which embraces the universal values of love and justice, expressed through the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.

Give to Olivet Institutional Baptist Church Endowment Fund

Saint James A.M.E. Church

Saint James A.M.E. Church’s mission is to gather and grow fully mature followers of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through life changing worship, the love of God expressed by a family oriented congregation, the Lordship of Jesus Christ over our time, talents, tithes, and offerings, holistic ministries that promote core values of discipleship, spirituality, family, education, stewardship, service, and evangelism.

Give to Friends and Members Endowment Fund of Saint James A.M.E. Church

St. Paul AME Church

The AME Church shall engage in carrying out the spirit of the original Free African Society, out of which the AME Church evolved: that is, to seek out and save the lost and to serve the needy. It is also the duty of Church to continue to encourage all members to become involved in all aspects of church training.

Give to St. Paul AME Cleveland

The Word Church

The Word Church’s mission is a call of outreach carried out through the heart of Pastor Vernon and the members of The Word Church.

Give to The Word Church

Workforce Development

Cleveland Sight Center

Cleveland Sight Center’s mission is to empower people who are blind or who have limited vision to realize their full potential and to shape the community’s vision of that potential.

Give to Cleveland Sight Center

Dress for Success

The mission of Dress for Success is to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life.

Give to Dress for Success

Forum for Volunteer Administrators

The mission of the Forum for Volunteer Administrators (FVA) is to provide mutual support, continuing dialog and professional development opportunities for those involved in the leadership and management of volunteers.

Give to Forum for Volunteer Administrators

Geauga Growth Partnership

The Geauga Growth Partnership works to retain and grow jobs, contribute to business growth and strengthen the local economy.

Give to Geauga Growth Partnership

Leadership Lake County

Leadership Lake County engages and develops present and future leaders to become committed to social, economic and civic excellence in our community. Our programs focus on career and workforce development, leadership development, and service through civic engagement.

Give to Leadership Lake County

NewBridge Cleveland Center for Arts & Technology

NewBridge Cleveland’s mission is to bridge the gap between adversity and success by offering education, providing opportunities, and inspiring hope. Our goal is to help ensure a vibrant community living up to its fullest educational and economic potential.

Give to NewBridge Cleveland Center for Arts & Technology

United Black Fund of Greater Cleveland, Inc.

UBF of Greater Cleveland works to acquire, accumulate and allocate funds to not-for-profits to alleviate suffering, poverty and illiteracy; strengthen the tradition and the ethic of giving among African Americans to promote economic self-sufficiency; empower the African American Community through education to reach its highest potential; and educate the African American Community to understand the value of re-directing income to build wealth within the African American Community.

Give to United Black Fund of Greater Cleveland, Inc.

Vocational Guidance Services

VGS works to prepare people with barriers to employment for a brighter future.

Give to Vocational Guidance Services

Youth Opportunities Unlimited

Youth Opportunities Unlimited prepares teens and young adults to become economically self-sufficient contributors to building Northeast Ohio’s educated, skilled and inclusive workforce.

Give to Youth Opportunities Unlimited’s Board Designated Fund for Continuing Education and Employee Development

Give to Youth Opportunities Unlimited’s David G. Hill Memorial & Charles R. McDonald Endowment for Futures in Entrepreneurship & Business Fund


First Tee of Cleveland

First Tee of Cleveland’s mission is to positively impact the lives of young people by providing educational programs that build character, instill life-enhancing values and promote healthy choices through the game of golf.

Give to First Tee of Cleveland

Ginn Foundation

The Ginn Foundation is committed to developing young people socially, academically, and spiritually in order for them to succeed in school and life.

Give to Ginn Foundation

Girl Scouts of North East Ohio

The Girl Scouts of North East Ohio’s mission is to build girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place.

Give to Girl Scouts of North East Ohio

Kirtland Kiwanis Foundation

Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time. The Kirtland Kiwanis is dedicated to serving the local community through various service and fundraising projects. Our club has been in service to our community for more than 50 years. We are part of Kiwanis, an international organization serving children and the community since 1915.

Give to Kirtland Kiwanis Foundation

The PeaceCamp Initiative

We believe that children will make better peacemakers, better leaders, and better friends through the wisdom of Aikido, a martial art devoted to peaceful resolution of conflict. The PeaceCamp Initiative is a program of Aiki Extensions, a non-profit dedicated to bringing the wisdom of Aikido out of the training hall and into the larger world.

Give to The PeaceCamp Initiative

the telos leadership foundation

the telos leadership foundation provides transformational leadership development opportunities to a diverse group of young adults, preparing them to emerge onto the leadership scene as positive, emotionally and socially aware leaders prepared to contribute to our world today.

Give to the telos leadership foundation

Urban Squash Cleveland

Urban Squash Cleveland is a youth development organization that empowers youth to reach their potential through academic support, the sport of squash, and enduring life skills.

Give to Urban Squash Cleveland

Youth Challenge

Youth Challenge brings together young people with physical disabilities and teen volunteers who inspire each other through adapted sports, recreation and social growth activities.

Give to Youth Challenge