Summer of Purpose: Catherine Galla

Our #SummerOfPurpose blog series follows this year’s Cleveland Foundation Summer Interns as they reflect on 11 weeks spent working with Cleveland-area nonprofit and public sector organizations. In today’s blog, we hear from Catherine Galla, who spent her summer at Old Brooklyn Community Development Corporation assisting with grantwriting.

Name: Catherine GallaPhoto of Catherine Gala

College: Ohio University

Hometown: Strongsville, Ohio

Internship Host Site: Old Brooklyn Community Development Corporation

Why did you initially decide to participate in this internship program?

I first decided to participate in the Cleveland Foundation Summer Internship Program as I wanted to gain professional experience in the public service realm to address social justice issues through a funding lens. The skill I hoped to strengthen this summer was grant writing to better understand the process in an urban context. The program stood out to me, proving that this experience would guarantee hands-on exposure of allocating funding for community development-based projects.

What was the most valuable aspect of your internship experience?

The most valuable aspect of my internship experiences this summer has been the support and advice I have received from my colleagues, peers and mentors. These conversations have been vital to helping me create a plan for what is to come next in my future thanks to all the expertise I have been given.

What was the most challenging aspect of your internship experience?

A challenging aspect of my internship experience has been understanding all the pieces that fit into the grant writing process. Through the exposure of creating a document to streamline and track these processes, I have gained a better understanding of the interconnectivity of it all.

How did this internship helped you grow professionally & personally?

Throughout the summer, this internship has helped me grow professionally through the opportunities to grow and strengthen my network. In addition, I have personally grown by utilizing resources in Cleveland such as the RTA and attending farmer’s markets throughout the city, which has helped me develop an appreciation for the work that is being put into the City of Cleveland.

Where would you take a friend who is visiting Cleveland for the first time?

Friends who visit me in Cleveland are always taken to the Root Cafe in Lakewood for a local, vegan friendly and cozy cafe dining experience. This is often followed by a trip to the lakefront weather that be at the Solstice Steps to catch a sunset or Edgewater Beach to look for beach glass.

What advice would you give to someone considering applying for the Cleveland Foundation Summer Internship Program?

For someone who is interested in applying for the Cleveland Foundation Summer Internship Program, I would advise them to hone in on what hard skills they would like to gain from the experience. Once that self-discovery piece is thought out, it will make your application process more straightforward, leading you to be matched at the best host site for you!

Learn more about spending a #SummerOfPurpose as a Cleveland Foundation intern.