Summer of Purpose: Tate Farinacci

Our #SummerOfPurpose blog series follows this year’s Cleveland Foundation Summer Interns as they reflect on 11 weeks spent working with Cleveland-area nonprofit and public sector organizations. In today’s blog, we hear from Tate Farinacci, who’s spending his summer at Cleveland VOTES supporting their civic engagement efforts. 

Name: Tate Farinacci

College: John Carroll University

Hometown: Chardon, Ohio

Internship Host Site: Cleveland VOTES

Why did you initially decide to participate in this internship program?

The program was recommended to me by my good friend Heather Craigie, the assistant director of the Center for Service Learning and Social Action at John Carroll University. I was already aware of the Cleveland Foundation’s esteemed work—it’s hard to live in the Cleveland area and not know about it! I was drawn to the opportunity to be part of such an established and admirable organization. Additionally, the summer internship program stood out because it offered not only opportunities at local nonprofits but also professional development and networking opportunities.

What was the most valuable aspect of your internship experience?

The most valuable aspect thus far has been the people. I am truly honored to be part of an amazing, supportive and successful team at Cleveland VOTES. From my supervisor Brianna and my co-worker Lique to my fellow intern Sasha Turner and executive director and co-founder Erika Anthony, and many others, they have all contributed to my growth and development in my role. The interactions with people at the Cleveland Foundation, in my Summer Internship Cohort, and through the Cleveland Leadership Center Campus Cleveland program have also made this summer a unique and unforgettable experience. Thanks to these great people, I wake up every morning with a smile on my face, excited to go to work.

What was the most challenging aspect of your internship experience?

I have definitely had my time management skills tested, primarily due to studying for the LSAT in my free time and other personal responsibilities. However, being busy at work is sort of a blessing. My team and supervisors trust me to handle responsibilities, and I believe that being busy is a manifestation of one’s value to an organization. Additionally, the awesome team at Cleveland VOTES has taught me the importance of self-care.

How did this internship helped you grow professionally & personally?

This internship has significantly expanded my professional network and introduced me to new people across various industries. It has also helped me gain a better understanding of the opportunities available to me in Cleveland, both personally and professionally. This program has boosted my confidence in myself and my capabilities. Moreover, it has helped me improve technical skills such as writing, design and strategic planning.

Where would you take a friend who is visiting Cleveland for the first time?

If I had a friend visiting Cleveland for the first time, I would take them downtown to a Guardians game; there’s truly nothing like the Cleveland sports experience! I was fortunate enough to attend a game with Cleveland VOTES earlier this summer, and it was incredibly fun. If a game wasn’t an option, I would recommend visiting the Ohio City or Detroit Shoreway area, where there are plenty of cool things to do.

What advice would you give to someone considering applying for the Cleveland Foundation Summer Internship Program?

Be honest—identify your strengths and weaknesses. Don’t be afraid to express your desire to grow in a particular area or learn more about something. This isn’t a negative reflection on you; it shows that you have a growth mindset, which organizations greatly value. I would also advise them to approach every experience with humility and always try to find a lesson to learn.

Learn more about spending a #SummerOfPurpose as a Cleveland Foundation intern. 

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